Apartment 46 B

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Clarke was trying to sleep, but she couldn't. She was going to surprise her boyfriend tomorrow.

She flew from California to New York to see him. She was practically jumping with excitement. He had moved here for college while Clarke went to California along with her best friend Octavia. Octavia decided to tag along so she could see her brother. They had originally lived in Illinois so the couple had both made a big change.

Before she knew it Clarke was driving towards his apartment. She told him that she was coming in two weeks so she knew where it was. When she parked her car she had to smack herself to calm herself down.

"46 B," Clarke repeated from the text message. She wasn't going to knock, she knew he never locked his door.

What Clarke saw next was horrifying. A girl in bed next to her boyfriend, both of them naked.

"You asshole!" Clarke exclaims. He sits up abruptly.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I came to suprise you, but I'm the one suprised. We're over, Finn," she spits, rushing out of the apartment. When she reaches the lobby she hears footsteps behind her.

"You're his girlfriend?" The girl asks.

"No shit," she sighs.

"I didn't know you existed. That ass. I'm Raven," she smiles.

"Clarke," Clarke replies.

"This is weird. I'll beat the shit out of him for us," she laughs.

"Please do so," clarke smiles.


Clarke and Raven got along pretty well, most likely because they both had something in common. It was weird to be friends with her at first, but they adjusted.

Clarke was now sitting in a restaurant, waiting with Octavia to see Bellamy. It had been five years and she wasn't ready to face this.

Clarke and Bellamy had dated for a long time. Then he moved away for college and they broke things off. But neither of them knew how much they loved each other and that their desicion was very stupid overall.

"Bell!" O exclaims and jumps into her brothers embrace.

"I see you brought the princess," Bellamy replies, that annoying but sexy smirk on his face.

"Yes, so be nice," Octavia demands. They all sit down and order, silence overtaking them after Octavia decided to stop asking questions.

"So Clarke, how is medical school?" Bellamy asks.

"Fine," she replies, gulping at the weird feeling in her stomach. She still had feelings for Bellamy. Finn was some kind of distraction, but him cheating hurt her so she didn't think that she would feel this way so fast.

"How's your boyfriend?" He asks. Octavia glares at him and takes a bite of her pizza.

"Ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me," Clarke replies casually.

"I told you that he was an asshole," Bellamy smirks.

"I didn't care what you thought," Clarke frowns.

"Well, you should have," Bellamy argues.

"Fuck you Blake," Clarke spits.

"Okay! Stop! I came to hang out with my brother and best friend, not watch them argue when they really want to rip each others clothes off instead!" Octavia yells, a few people turning and staring at us.


Clarke was supposed to stay with Finn for the trip, but was now forced into staying with Bellamy. She was currently on the couch, sitting on her legs and watching that 70's show. She internally groans when Bellamy sits beside her.

"I met mila kunis at an art show once," Bellamy says.

"You went to an art show?" Clarke asks.

"I was thinking of you. You love art," Bellamy smiles.

"So you went to an art show?" Clarke repeats.

"Yes, Clarke. I went to an art show," he chuckles.

"That's not Bellamy-like," Clarke smiles.

"You'd be suprised what I do these days," he turns to me," I missed you Clarke."

"I just got cheated on," Clarke remind him.

"Why'd we break up? If you don't feel that way anymore, fine. I'll get over it. But, just tell me, why?" He asks.

"I thought you were over me. You were moving away and I was afraid of getting hurt," Clarke admits.

"So you went with him, and stayed with him when you left for college," Bellamy sighs," I loved you Clarke. I love you, and you broke my heart."


Clarke and Bellamy avoided each other for the rest of the week. It was the girls last day in New York and Octavia was ready to leave. She hated seeing them like this.

Clarke was getting ready to make her and the Blakes breakfast when there was a knock on the door.

"How'd you know I was here?" She asks Finn.

"That doesn't matter Clarke. I came to apologize, I still love you!" He exclaims.

"If you loved me why'd you cheat on me?" She asks, placing her hand on her hip and putting on her best bitch face.

"I was being stupid," he sighs.

"Clarke, come back to bed- can I help you?" Bellamy says as he walks up to Clarke, only wearing his boxers. That smart bastard.

"You slept with Bellamy?" Finn asks.

"And you cheated on my princess," Bellamy spits, pushing Clarke behind him. Bellamy punches Finn in the face, muttering 'asshole' then slamming the door.

"I didn't need your help," Clarke crosses her arms.

"It was funny, I punched him," Bellamy shrugs.

"I guess," Clarke chuckles," we have to start getting ready or else we'll miss our flight. Is Octavia even awake?"

"I doubt it."


"I'll miss you Bell," O squeezes her brother.

"Yeah O, i I'll miss you too," he winces from her hug," you're killing me though."

"Oops," Octavia chuckles.

"Princess," he smirks," I have to do this one more time."

Bellamy presses his lips to Clarke's, kissing her passionately. Clarke kisses back, wrapping her arms around Bellamy's neck. Clarke swears she heard Octavia squeal.

"Yes!" Octavia shouts," I knew it! Oops, I ruined the moment."

"I'll miss you Clarke," Bellamy smiles.

"I'll miss you too, my king."


"Will you marry me?" Bellamy asks and Clarke starts to cry. It had been two years since the New York trip and Bellamy and Clarke started dating again about a month after it.

"Yes," Clarke smiles and jumps into Bellamy's arms. He slides the ring onto her finger and she kisses him softly.

"Oh my god!" Octavia squeals. She threatened Bellamy until he agreed that she could be there when he proposed. They had went to Clarke's favorite place, the beach.

"Did she know?" Clarke laughs and Bellamy nods.

"I know everything!" Octavia exclaims," agh, I love you both so much!"

They are pulled into one of Octavia's bone-crushing hugs. Clarke turns her head and smiles at Bellamy.

"I love you Bellamy," she smiles as she wriggles out of Octavia's graps.

"I love you, my queen."

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