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The Pact

Chapter 13


Luckily my school I attend is shit because the town I live in is 'poor' so there ending the school year early because they can't fund any more months! As so it just hit June and school ends on June thirteenth so that makes my next two weeks a lot better.

As for drama Hunter and Jay got back together, but lets see how long it will last this time. From this recurring so much I finally learned how to deal with their relationship, just don't talk about it. I mean I've been through a lot during the year with Jay, I've pushed him into walls, slapped him and more. I have my reasons though, he's cheated on her and it wasn't pretty.

I recently downloaded this app called 'Wattpad' and started reading my friends book. Her book is called 'Near Death' and it talks about how she dealt with her tims of breaking up with Jay and getting back together. In one chapter it describes on how depressed she was when he cheated on her with a so called 'prettier girl' and she starved herself and cut.

Sadly so I didn't download Wattpad to read my friends books, I downloaded it to write my own and get recognized for it. All I've ever wanted to do since I was a kid is to have people that look up to me and admire me for what I do. So I was working my ass off on Wattpad and luckily it was impressing me.

For the last two weeks of school I would go home and spend hours working on Wattpad, I did it till the rest of June and till the end of July. I wrote a book known as 'The Girl And Guy In Ballet Shoes; It was my first book I completed for other people to read. In my life I've written more books, I just never had people read them. I wasn't proud of it because the plot is off and makes no sense. Its just about two lovers that dance and then she goes to New York and then....ya I forgot. Shortly after my escape into book writing I lost keeping in contact with Daisey and Hunter, so I remained the rest of the summer in my room writing books.

As August hit the big county fair did two, this fair is one of my favorite things to look forward to during the summer. The fair has a ride called the 'Zipper' and that is the one ride I haven't went on yet because I'm terrified. Last year I went on the 'Graviton' which is way under the league compared to the Zipper. A few days ago the fair started and I was planning on going soon, but I heard that a few girls got stuck on the top of the Zipper when the cables broke and they could of died.

This year I decided to go with two separate groups of friends, I was going to go one day with Alex and Hillery and then the next day with Daisey and Hunter. As we (Alex, Hillery & I) walked up towards the Zipper I heard a few kids screaming while the ride was running. It's difficult to imagine what it was like up there because I never have been on any big rides in my life.

There is one other ride I will never go on again in my entire life, its called the 'Ninety Foot Drop' where you go on this seat that lifts you ninety feet in the air and then you drop. It feels like your stomach is in your throat when you get off and I despise it.

Today wasn't super crazy, it was cool but not exciting. I decided not to go on the Zipper, I 'pussied' out. All we did was eat, go on small rides and then walked around; the sad thing is,that is pretty much my life already.

I was happy to say it was the day that Hunter, Daisey and I get to go to the fair together. As soon as we got in we headed right to the Zipper, Daisey gets nautious riding fast intense rides so she didn't go, but Hunter and I decided to go on for the first time together.

As the line died down it was finally time for us to get in a create, this summers fair was being run by Mexicans, last year it was run by Jamaicans (not being racist.) The man running the ride put me up to the size sign because I'm small and almost didn't let me go cause I was a hair over the four foot mark.

When we got in the guy struggled to close the door so Hunter and I got a bit worried it would break open as we rode it. In the creat there is a brar you hold on as it spun in circles. The ride spins as the create spins so its very intense. If you have a soft stomach like Daisey then don't go on because it's scary 'AF'.

As we moved to the top so they could get other people in below, Hunter and I got a nice view of the town. We saw all the other kids down below and ended up trying to spit on them, there were small holes in the sids of the carts I guess there so you can get a breeze.

When the ride started going I felt excitement fill my veins, the ride spun us around like crazy. As being small I almost fell out between the bar and if I did I would of been tossed around. Our first time going on was crazy fun but so was the other countless times. Every time you go on the ride it changes directions once, in the start it goes forwards then in the middle it goes backwards. So Hunter and I did this cool mini game as we rode it where when it went forward we'd sing a song as best as we could, then when it went backwards we'd sing a different song as best as possible.

We ended up riding the Zipper for over four hours singing many songs including our favorite to make fun of 'Talk Dirty'. Shortly after Hunter saw Jay and ended up going with him and leaving me. As this all occurred Daisey was with our other friends Dawson, Kat and Delilah so I decided to go and them instead.

The night was a blast, we ate cotton candy and rode to many rides. I could never ask for a better end of the summer with my mains. <3

Hey potatoes! Like chapter four? If so hit that vote button! I will return favors, vote for vote, follow for follow and comment for comment! Oh, and don't forget this story is based on true events I was evolved in. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, share it with your friends thell like it to I bet! Love you all bye! ♡
~t3llatal3 <3

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