Ducks & Lucks

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The Pact

Chapter 25

Ducks & Lucks

READ PLEASE: Please don't mind my face in the picture above. XOXO


Hey guys, I understand the chapter name is odd but if you  read the chapter you'll understand when you finish it; also the picture above is me and 'Darwin' (Not real name) with the duck. XOXO

"Summer..." I had my mother drive me to my friend Sam's house for a camping trip with my mains Kat, Delilah and my sweet friend Darwin, I haven't mentioned him before because he doesn't really actually get into my life till seventh grade.

I've known him for a really long time but we never hanged out much, Darwin is a really sweet friend of mine, he's loud, crazy and energetic and that's the friend I need. Hes always there for me and my favorite time with him was when it was dark out side, we were at the school for a Volleyball Game and the light was flickering, he sat under it and started screaming as if he were paranormal and the light turned off when he screamed; it was fucking funny.

Once arrived with my stuff Darwin and I sat feeding the guinea pig and rabbit, we messed around with them and laughed. After Delilah and Kat arrived we all packed everything up and got in the car. As we waited for Sam's mother she decided that we should bring her duck with us to the trip, so we did.

Kat, Delilah, Darwin, Sam and I all got our of the car and went to go catch Sam's duck. We almost lost it as it flew over her neighbor's house but it was funny. After we caught it I held it in my lap at the back of the car and we drove off.

About five minutes later the duck started freaking out and pooped on me, Darwin who was beside me was laughing his ass off, looking the duck didn't poop on my it pooped on the coat I had it on which was Sam's coat.

"Ah, it pooped! Get if off of me!" As Darwin was laughing I was too busy making sure the duck wouldn't poop on me anymore so I shoved it on Darwin's lap and he held it on a towel with paper towels for the time being. You could tell when the duck was about to poop, its butt would wiggle like when a spider is making web except for this time string didn't come out, poop did.

As the duck calmed down I analyzed it and noticed it was pooping while we were driving so I started freaking out for Darwin. "Darwin!!!! The duck is pooping on you!!" You could smell the poop and it didn't smell like you would expect, it had a revolting tang and twist to the smell that was rotting my nose away.

Darwin started freaking out laughing and crying at the same time while I was trying to manage the duck because it's butt wasn't above the town It was hanging off above my leg so I started pushing the duck and while we were screaming Kat and Delilah were watching us as it occurred.

"Darwin get it off of me! Its not going to poop on me again!" As I kept pushing the duck it flapped its wings open and started slamming its head into the side of the car near the cup holders and did this for a minute.

Darwin and I were laughing and crying our asses off while this was happening, then all of a sudden a bunch of weird barf flew in the air all over Darwin and some on me. "HAHAH! The duck thru-up!" Darwin started trying to pull the duck up as it started falling face first into a small area where his feet were.

While he was doing that I was cleaning up as much barf as I could with the paper towels and Darwin finally got the duck up. After this all happened we realized we were only half way there so Darwin and I decided to take selfies with the duck, (Selfie picture above).

After a while the duck calmed down for the rest of the ride till we got there, we all got out while Sam and her mother harnessed the duck so it wouldn't be able to fly away. Just like that, that was the start of my amazing summer, I looked at Kat and Delilah and told them this was going to be the best summer ever.

Later we all decided to set up the tents because it was already four o'clock, I was going to sleep with Kat while Sam and Delilah slept together then Darwin was sleeping with our other friend Klemit. So things were settled and life was good, we were all at the old camp ground I use to go to a long time ago with Hunter, Lendon and Erin, we have good memories here together so it was nice to be back.

We all decided to go to the river while we could before it got dark, luckily the campground has a river with it so we could go swimming. As soon as we all got their everybody plopped into the water, for me it takes me some time because I can't just go in and be cool I have to go in slowly. Yes, I know it's worse that way but that's how I do it.

Swimming was okay I guess, it was a bit cold and was getting dark so I didn't enjoy it to much. Once we got back we all changed into pajamas and lied down to talk. Kat and Sam were planning to have me film a music video for them but we never got around to it.

"Okay, guys Darwin and I are running away! You no longer love us fine!" Darwin and I ran out the tent into the dark laughing and smiling, we started walking through the woods and looped back to the road; we found ourselves lying down on the road making one another laugh.

"I then slipped my hose into his butt cheeks and said QUEEF QUEEF!" Darwin started laughing and kept repeating 'queef' which was what I said for a inside joke. "I then touched his spicy 'bunz' and started licking them with joy, he looked at me and said Darwin, why? I moved my hand to his mouth and started slapping his booty while he said QUEEF QUEEF." After Darwin said queef I would to and we'd go back and forth saying queef and telling one another inside jokes we made up. "QUEEF QUEEF!!!"

We started running around in the dark saying queef, it was hilarious and very fun. That's why love Darwin because he's the only friend I have that is very energetic and crazy...he's one of a kind. After our adventure we decided to head back to the tent, everybody was in the biggest tent with all the blankets, the cool thing about it was that the tent didn't have a roof cover so I could look for shooting stars.

We all talked and laughed for the night till we all fell asleep, next thing I knew I was being awakened by Sam and Kat. "Hey, Allie wake up we're going swimming." Sam shook my arm waking me up, I then got up and started getting ready for the day.

I walked outside after I got dressed and did all that good stuff and saw Daisey's car, I saw her and her mother pull up to the cam ground and Daisey came out. I smiled and gave her a big warming welcome hug. I then ran up to her mother and hugged her to, after Daisey got situated with her stuff we all went down to the river. By now it was already one o'clock and it was nice outside.

We all got on Sam's father's boat and he took us out into the deep wild of Oregon. The water was nice and cool being splashed from the front of the boat on to me; I dangled my feet over the edge of the boat dipping them into the water. I felt and knew this summer was going to be better than all my other ones combined, this summer was amazing so far.

Hey Potatoes, I wanted to inform you guys the duck is okay and we all had a blast for day one. So sorry to mentioning Darwin now and not later but Darwin will be added more in (O_O) - I said to much bye. If you like this chapter please vote because I do vote for vote, follow for follow and comment for comment. XOXO ~t3llatal3

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