This Is It

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The Pact

Chapter 26

This Is It

I opened WattPad and deleted two books I didn't fancy in writing, one of them was Before Christians and the other was Independance book 2 of Chemistry. I closed WattPad and lied back down in my bed...I thought for a moment...I then opened Instagram and checked out Hunters page because she had just tagged me in a photo.

The photo was of her and the caption read: Guess what guys!! I'm staying! It is official! I love all (most) of you guys way too much to leave you! Port Orford is too big and my family can be a pain!! Buy I'm gonna stay here with you guys!! Ride or die!! I love you guys!!

I smiled, liked the picture and then left Instagram; I was happy to know I'd get another wonderful year with Hunter and Daisey, we may have had our differences but we have managed to stick together and that's what counts.

As much as I don't want to make it seem like I'm just skipping the book I am, in the few weeks were skipping nothing happened but me watching YouTube and playing Minecraft. True. XD

I turned on the shower and left the bathroom, I started looking around my bedroom for no reason, I then looked at my jewerly box and opened one of the drawers finding my blade. I froze frightened, I then picked it up and threw it away in the trash.

Next I went into the shower, it was nice because I hadn't cleaned myself in a few days from me gaming too much. After I finished I got dressed and got back on to my laptop going to WattPad, I went to my Inbox and found a message from Daisey. I had already noticed the picture Hunter posted yesterday saying she wasn't going to be online for the rest of the summer and I thought of it as her messing around till I read Daisey's message.

Daisey: Hey Allie, I know you're going to be mad at us but I have to tell you because you're my best friend. The real reason Hunter and I are grounded is because we've been sneaking out to meet up with Kyle, Tim and Leo. We have been doing drugs including: Marijuana, drinking and smoking. Hunter had sex with Tyler and I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore. It was a bad mistake for us. Hunter's mother and mine have put alarms on our doors and screwed the windows shut. We were caught by the police along with Hunter, me, Kyle and a guy named Charles who gave us the drugs. We both started cutting but we stopped because everything sharp has been taken out of our rooms and were on full lockdown. I'm really sorry, bye.

I froze and then started breaking down, I saw my tears fall on my tablet screen and then saw the message. I grinded my teeth and started typing.

Me: Why would you do something like that!?

Daisey: I'm sorry, I hope you can find some place in your heart to forgive us.

Me: We had a pact! You broke it! You lost my trust!

Daisey is typing...

I looked at my tablet screen and re-read the messages she sent earlier as I re-read it clenched my fists throwing my emotions into the keyboard in front of me.

Me: I hate you! You ruined me, I trusted you!

Daisey: I know, it was a horrible mistake.

Me: Why would you!? You're so fucking stupid! I hate you! I never want to be you nor Hunter's friend ever again! Thanks for being there when I needed you Daisey! I can't believe this!

I started crying harder not being able to type because I was shaking, my mother came in and ran over, she asked me what was wrong but I just tilted my tablet over for her to see for herself. After she read everything she hugged me and moved my tablet away, she then left me alone to vent.

My father came in to, he asked me what was wrong and I showed him, I told him if I were there with them I wouldn't let them do that, I could of stopped them but I was at home. He told me to not blame myself for others mistakes and that she would learn her lesson.

After my father left I opened WattPad and selected to start a new book, as I sat there I looked back at the message and remembered a certain moment in my life; I then typed in 'The Pact' and started chapter one, Drugs.


Hey Potatoes, that's it, the last chapter to The Pact, sad ending right? I know, I'm doing better now thanks to PewDiePie and WattPad. I want to let you all please read the next chapter to get information on BOOK 2! EEEE! (Fangirling) I know right!? Please read the following chapter for information and how you could possibly write a book with me! Thanks XOXO ~t3llaltal3

The Pact #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now