She Left

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The Pact

Chapter 21

She Left


Me: Hey, haven't talked to you in a while.

Hunter: Yeah not since...I don't know April.

Me: Yeah sorry about that, so how is Port Orford?

Port Orford is a small town about an hour from where I live and yes, Hunter moved. We haven't talked since April and it's currently May. Nothing much has happened except for Hunter moved and Kat hurt her foot on a piece of wood at Parkour. Oh and Parkour...yeah I joined, my parents made my brother join through to.

Hunter: It's amazing! A lot better than Gold Beach.

I could tell she was pretending even though I couldn't see her face, but I've known her for too long and I also have this reason:

Me: So, you're happy because you're going to be stuck at your grandmother's house all summer with no body to hang out with, that makes you happy?

It's too easy to read Hunter, but overall who would be happy being caved into a house all summer with no friends to talk to. She knows nobody at Port Orford and is alone with her grandmother. I think anybody would be a bit upset with that idea of a summer.

Hunter: So.

Me: Never mind, I'll talk to you later I have to go to sleep for school bye.

Hunter is being home school till summer and then she might move back to Gold Beach if I can get her to. I may have been a bit of a bitch to her before but I can fix it. I never said but during April Hunter and I were fighting and I broke into her locker stealing her drawing book. After lunch I took a really old picture she drew and was yes, it was ugly but nobody is born drawing like a queen she was just learning. I took the picture and taped it to the front of her locker and by the looks of it nobody saw it but she did and was embarrassed.

I regret what I did and if I could go back in time and rethink what I was going threw when I thought of doing it I would but I can't. After I went to sleep I woke up for school. It was luckily Friday and Friday is the best. I had no Parkour today so I was going to Daisey's house for a sleepover; as usual every morning I wake up at five thirty and go eat. Sadly when there's no food I want to eat for breakfast I take it out on my brother.

"So how did you sleep Alli-"

"Just shut up!" I continued eating my bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch which is cereal I hate; the only cereal I eat is Cap'n Crunch.

After I eat I go up stairs and turn the shower on, once I'm done taking my amazing warm shower I fall asleep on the mat for about fifteen minutes. Once I wake up I get dressed and brush my hair, next I drowned my face in concealer and put makeup on. Afterwards I brush my teeth and gather my things I need for school, once that's over I go down stairs and fall asleep on the floor till around six fifty. Once it hits six fifty-five I go outside with my brother and wait for the bus, and that's how I get ready in the morning.

Once I made it to school I noticed Tim and Daisey talking, I approached Daisey and Tim and then pulled Daisey away from him.

"Whats going on?" I looked at her as she smiled.

"I'm dating Tim." She smiled and looked over at him as if she were in a fairy tail.

"Since when!?" I shrugged my shoulders confused at the situation.

"Since this morning, we figured out the we both like each other and then he asked me out." She walked back over to him and started talking. I know Tim, we dated in the past but I never saw this coming. Oh well I just live with it, he doesn't bother me like Jay does.

Once school started and we all got to our classes I realized how different it felt to not have Hunter around laughing. Hunter has this obnoxious laugh I've mocked rudely in the past when we were fighting. Hunter and I weren't doing so hot but I plan to make it up for her because I feel it's my fault she moved. I don't know what got into me when we fought but I know that isn't really me and I really want to let her know I'm sorry.

Hey Potatoes, I know, I know I was a bit of a bitch again in this chapter but in the end I fix my dues. I hope you like this chapter and vote because I do vote for vote, follow for follow and even comment for comment! XOXO ~t3llatal3

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