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"Flipping flipper flipper flip!" Roger screamed as he smacked his head into the doorframe.

"ROGER!" Gloria scolded.

"Sorry," he said rubbing his head. "These ceilings need to be raised."

"No you just need to stop running everywhere."

Roger and Gloria were traveling through the tubes delivering messages. C.S.Z. had been hacked so they couldn't use any of their communication devices. Roger, Gloria, and many other cyborgs had been delivering messages through the tubes for about a month now.

Roger really hated the tubes. They uses this kind of tech and chemicals that sped up the travel of the cyborgs. It was just unnatural. Plus, the underground smell was unbearable.

"Are we there yet?" Roger pleaded.

"Stop complaining like a little five year and maybe we'll get there."

Roger's hatred subsided. Gloria's tone of voice wasn't like her. Gloria was sassy and liked to joke a lot, but the tone she used was gruff and forceful.

"Are you okay?' Roger was concerned about her since she was gone so long and brushed away all the questions like it was big deal she had gone.

"I'm fine," Gloria answered but she was clearly not fine. "Just annoyed with all your complaining."

They both were silent for a moment. Roger looked at his feet, trying not to step in puddles.

"Alright. What did I do wrong? Was it this morning? Did I get you the wrong bagel? Do you hate me or something?"

The question surprised Roger who realized that he had asked the question.

"That's a stupid question," Gloria answered.

"Come on, what did I do?"

It was a minute before she answered.

"No. I don't hate you. But not everything is about you, Roger."

Gloria charged off into the darkness. Roger ran after her but she was no where to be found.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 2/ Not finished)Where stories live. Discover now