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Vera wished Carter and her could just be a normal couple and do normal couple stuff like... have arguments about who loves who more, go to fancy restaurants, and go to movies. But NO they have to combat training!

"Hey," Carter said as if he were reading her mind. " We can go out to dinner after this."

Vera grabbed his hand thankfully.

Best boyfriend ever, Vera swooned.

"Left round house kick," Vera ordered the troops. They obeyed screaming out deadly war cries. All this happened again with new commands of kicks, punches, and other martial arts moves.

When the training session was over Carter held to his promise. He took her to Tony's a new restaurant that was made after the disaster. It was a regular hang out.

Vera and Carter slid into one of the booths.

Vera ordered a burger with a Shirley Temple and Carter order a Coke with a hot dog.

"This is nice," Vera said to Carter, grabbing his hand. Which was rough with days of training. She looked into his almond eyes. Vera notice that when he smiled his cheeks raised up to make the skin near his eyes crinkled in a very cute way.

Vera shivered. The cold restraint smelled of pizza and burgers cooking. Carter rapped his army coat around her. She was wearing a white tank top and camo shorts and he wore the same but he didn't forget his jacket.

Vera could have stayed there forever. Staring at smiling Carter, wrapped in his jacket, and feeling care free. It didn't last long.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 2/ Not finished)Where stories live. Discover now