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 "GOOD Evening Ladies and Gents! My name is a secret! Tell no others! I'll whisper it softly so you may hear, but you may end having to fear!"

Greyland had never done a more silly thing in his life.

It was Polan's idea to send Greyland to New York City to spread the word of the cyborg uprising. Polan told him this city was particularly distrustful of cyborgs, and the perfect man for the job was Greyland. He volunteered and asked for 3 people to accompany him on this mission. He was upset that Vixen wasn't able to accompany him. He sent her a letter yesterday, but he was sure that wouldn't give her much hope.

He arrived three days ago, by the enormous network of tubulars that connected most of the Northeast United States. His mission was to infiltrate, ugh, dare he say it, opera houses and theaters in the Big Apple. This was supposed to give C.S.Z. some influence around the states.

So here he was, trying to put on a magic show without actually knowing any magic tricks. He was substituting cyborg technology for the actual magic.

He had to wear a long flowing cape, a suit (ugh), and a top hat.

"Salvadore! The master wood craftsman! You shall see my talent right here!"

Greyland took a deep breath. He remembered when he was a young boy his grandmother took him to a magic show since the others were off doing something important.


"Gram gram," little Greyland whispered to his grandmother. She looked over to him. Her face was weathered by the aging years but she still had a youthful glow in her eyes.

"Why couldn't mommy and daddy and sissy come?"

Gram gram fiddled with the folds of her dress.

"Sweetness," Gram gram gently said. The fact that she said his nickname out loud meant that there was something bad going on.

"You remember your friend and his daddy, right?"

Greyland nodded. He still had nightmares about the incident from the month before.

"Well, your friend's daddy died," Gram gram said the words in a slow, hush, tone. "They blame your daddy and mommy for that."

The crowd laughed as the magician pulled a duck out of his hat.


Greyland pulled himself out of memoryville.

"Prepare to be amazed!" Greyland shouted to the crowd.

He took his hat off his head and reached in. Like any other magician he pulled out a baby rabbit around the size of his hand.

"Awww," the crowd applauded.

Greyland cupped his and over the the small rabbi. When he opened his hand a moment later a poof of confetti came over of his hands, floating into the crowd.

Greyland had written war is coming in the confetti since he was told by a source that there were several cyborgs in disguise in the crowd. Hopefully they would get the paper and help spread the word.

Greyland pulled his cape over his head and made himself disappear.


Max and Peter, Greylands partners on the mission, were waiting for him backstage.

"Nice cape," Max commented, holding back a laugh.

"Shut up," Greyland grunted.

Peter peeked his head through the curtain to look at the crowd.

"I think they got the message," Peter said when he had his head back in the backstage area.

"I hope," Greyland said. "Or I would have worn a cape for nothing."

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 2/ Not finished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora