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"Get back here!!!!!" Vixen yelled. Vera was running away with a letter Greyland had sent her. He had been gone for so long on his mission and sent letters when he could but it wasn't enough. Vixen missed him so much.

Vera was laughing and bouncing around their apartment. Finally, Vixen caught up with her. She pushed her roughly.

"Alright, alright," Vera giggled. She had finally gotten used to Greyland and vixen being together. Vera teased Vixen about it 24/7.

Vixen ripped open the letter gently. She unfolded the letter like it belonged in a museum.

Dear Vixen,

I've missed you more than you could ever know. I'm in a secret location right now so you can't send letters and I can only send this one. I know it unfair but we're in more trouble than you could ever know. Got to go. I'll be back in a month or so.



Vixen felt like shredding the paper into little pieces and pretending she never read it. He was never going to come back. Vixen knew it.

Vixen stared at her wall looking at all the pictures of her friends and her.

"Time for school," Vera said.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 2/ Not finished)Where stories live. Discover now