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 "All I was saying was that a full scale attack would be a waste of lives and resources. We have to consider our options here. What we have is a meager amount of weapons and half the men Qar does." Carter was talking to the tech leader of C.S.Z.

"I see what you're saying," Roger agreed standing next to Carter next to the map of Boston to Washington DC.

Since the last time they saw Qar they had been rebuilding C.S.Z. to make it stronger physically and strengthen the cyborg's mentality. The loss of the General was pretty devastating.

"I agree too," Allie said. "But what other choice do we have? We're already sitting ducks here!"

Allie had heard from a spy three days ago that Qar and his army were going to send an attack in a week. They had four days left to plan and train.

"What if we have a small group go and attack while others defend C.S.Z.?" Roger offered.

Carter nodded his head and Allie did the same.

Gloria walked into the lab where they were planning. She went up to Roger and gave him a great big bear hug. Gloria had been on a mission and just got back six hours ago. Her mission was top secret between Carter and her.

Carter thought of asking if she had succeed, he hadn't had time to talk to her about the mission between planning and to many people around.

'So how was your outing?" Allie suspiciously asked. "You were gone for days."

"Oh, don't worry about it dahrling," Gloria twirled her hair, acting dumb. She was really good at that.

"Okay.." Allie said. "What's with the accent?"

"Can we just plan a little more?" Carter butted in, saving Gloria from exposing her mission.

Carter, Roger, and Allie put color coordinated pins in different places.

"Here, here, here, here, here, and here are definitely where Qar isn't hiding." Carter said gesturing to multiple places on the map.

"We know that he wouldn't leave the White House," Allie added in. "It's like a symbol of his power."

"How would we have any way to predict his movements and actions? The guy's a complete psychopath." Roger stared at the paper map. Ugh. Carter despised this method of planning It was way too old fashioned for him. He wanted to use the screens and holograms they actually had access to, but Roger refused to let anyone turn them on, for fear of Qar's hackers finding a position on them.

Carter spoke up. "I dunno, he usually returns to that bar we blew up at around 5:00 every evening..."

Roger stared at him. "You knew this?! And you didn't tell anyone?!"

"It didn't seem relevant at the time. And the place is kinda destroyed anyway." Carter defended.

"That is important battle information and you withheld it from us! One more reason not to trust you!" Roger yelled at him. "I'm starting to think you still hate cyborgs."

Carter was intensely aggravated at the short teen screaming at him. "Alright Roger, I hate cyborgs? Try this: I AM ONE. I AM IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER. There is no one here who hates this kid more than I do. Qar BETRAYED me!"

Carter really couldn't take much more of this. He left the room. He heard Gloria yell something back at him while Allie yelled at him to apologize. He didn't care. Even in a world where memory can be deleted in a blink of an eye, people never forget.

Cyborg Safe Zone (Book 2/ Not finished)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin