Chapter 2

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HEYYYYYY Guys!! I'm so glad that I got at least over 10 reads on my story already! I know its not a lot, but it's a way to start!!! I love y'all!! <3


"Mornin' Hun." My mum said, looking a lot better than she did yesterday. "Mornin'." I mumbled, sitting myself down on the barstool next to her. She brought her coffee mug up to her lips, but all of the sudden stopped. "Were you ever planning to tell me what happened last night?" She asked, then continued to slurp her coffee. I just shrugged my shoulders. When I walked back in the house last night, I refused to tell her what happened. I don't really know why, really. Maybe I was still in shock that, one, he freakin had an asthma attack, and a bad one at that, two, absolutely NO ONE was there to help him, and three, he's my freakin next door neighbor. I never got a really good look at his face, but I do know his voice is quite high for a lad that looked, about, in his twenty's.

"So you're not going to tell me?" My mum said, pulling me out of my thoughts. Instead of answering her question, I asked a question. "Do we have to go see the neighbors today?" I asked. She set her coffee mug down on the counter, and turned her body toward me. "Well, we want to make them feel welcome, don't we? I don't even understand why they moved here in the first place, but maybe they had a reason." My mum trailed off then drank some more of her coffee. I mumbled a quiet "Fine" then walked upstairs to my room.

I hope it's not as awkward as I think it's going to be. Maybe he won't even come to the door, maybe he'll stay in his room or something. He seemed pretty shy last night, considering he didn't even tell me his name or even say one word. I looked at my clock. It read: 12:32pm. I stuck my head outside my door. "Mum?!" I yelled. "Yes, Dear?" She shouted back. "What time are we going?!" I yelled, but louder this time. "Harold, I'm in the same house as you, you know?! Start getting ready. We're leaving at 1:00." She said. I could just make out what she said. I sighed and closed my door. "I've basically already met the family. Well..their son." I said to myself. "You should really stop talking to yourself." My conscience said. I rolled my eyes and started looking through my closet for something decent for the occasion. I finally decided on black skinny jeans, a white v-neck T, my white converse and my favorite grey beanie that I wear almost everywhere. I quickly slipped it all on and looked in the mirror so I could position my beanie perfectly over my mop of curls. After I decided it looked just right, I made my way downstairs to find my mum looking fairly nice. She had her tan, heeled flip-flops on, blue jeans, a light blue dress shirt, and her favorite Cheshire hat on with her ponytail hanging out the back. "Are you ready?" She asked. "Yeah. Let's get this over with." I mumbled.

When we got to their front door my mom kept saying all this stuff about good impressions and all this different crap. "Oh, and Harry, I heard they hav-" The door opened and my mom instantly stopped talking and looked towards the woman standing there. "Hi." My mum said, sounding very...pepi. "Hi. You must be one of our neighbors I assume? I'm Jay Tomlinson." The woman said with a bright smile. "It's great to meet you. I'm Anne Styles and this is my son Harry." My mum said shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you." I said politely, mentally thanking God that we were almost through. Jay smiled. "It's nice to meet you too. Please, come in." She said. I mentally slapped myself and put on a fake smile, politely walking in as the woman asked. She closed the door behind us and directed us toward the couch. My mum and I took a seat next to eachother. "I see you're almost done getting the house together?" My mum said. "Yes we are. We worked all day yesterday. My son and I." She said. Great. "Well it looks wonderful." My mum said, taking a good look at the room. "Thank you, Anne. Would either of you like any tea?" She asked. "That would be wonderful." My mum said, smiling. "No ma'am. Thanks though." I said politely. She smiled and walked into the kitchen. "Thanks for being polite." My mum said, patting my thigh. I just nodded, grabbing my phone out of my pocket, and checking Facebook. "Hey Mum? Do you know where the-" A boy said, quickly coming to a stop in front of my mum and I. I looked up from my phone. It's him. "H-hi." He said nervously. "Hi. You must be Jay's son." My mum said. "Yeah.." He said glancing at me then back at my mom. "Yes Miss. I'm..uh- Louis." He said, even more nervously. Jay walked out with my Mum's tea and set in on the coffee table in front of her. "Ahhhh Louis, I see you've met Anne and Harry." She said. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. This is more awkward then I thought it would be. I can tell he recognizes me, which makes it even worse. "I'm just gonna..." He trailed off then quickly walked back up the stairs. "Sorry..he's very shy." Jay said. "Awww no, it's fine." My mum said nicely. "That's why we had to move. People make fun of him because of his asthma. He hasn't got many friends." She said, less happy than before. "Well I'm sure Harry would love to be his friend." My mum said. I smiled at Jay and nodded. She clapped her hands together. "I'm sure he'll love that." She said, looking happy again.

When we finally got home it was 2:30. "God she can talk." I said, plopping down on the couch. "Well, at least we have a nice neighbor." My mum said, plopping down next to me. "I'm going to take a nap." I mumbled then started making my way upstairs. "But you only got up, like, three hours ago." My mum chuckled. "Well, I'm tired. Goodnight." I said, then walked up to my room and shut the door behind me. I took my converse off beside the door and threw my beanie onto the dresser. I cracked my window open to let some air in, and flung my body onto the bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I keep hearing music from outside. I just tried to ignore it, but it felt like it kept getting louder. With a sigh I got up and walked over to the window. I could hear the music perfectly now. "Over my head" by, The Fray was blasting from somewhere. I opened my window and took a good look around, but there was no sign of where it was coming from. I groaned and was about to close my window when I saw something. Louis. I just now realized that I can see right through his bedroom window from my room. I'm guessing that's where the music was coming from, considering his window was cracked too, and he was unloading boxes. With his shirt off. Oh Dear God, my breath just hitched in my throat. He has abs. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself, because after watching him for like three minutes I realized I was breathing harder and I could feel my heart beating through my chest. I quickly slammed the window shut, pulling the string to the blinds and letting them fall. "Oh my God. Oh. My God." I started pacing back and forth across my room. I put my hands on my cheeks and it was hot. I looked in the mirror and my face was as red as a cherry. This is NOT good. This is absolutely terrible. I CAN'T like him. I just can't. No. I could get arrested. I ran my fingers through my curls. All I knew to do was go to my mum.

I quickly walked out of my room and literally sprinted downstairs to my mum. "Mum." I said calmly. "Yeah Hun?" She said, looking up from her book. "Enjoy your twenty minute nap?" She said chuckling. I sat down beside her and looked at her. "TherewasmusicsoIopenedmywindowandLouishadhisshirtoffan-" My mum interrupted me. "Honey, Honey, Honey. Slow down." She said, resting her hand on my thigh. I took a deep breath. "I can sort of see Louis' bedroom window from my window, and he was freaking moving boxes with his freaking shirt off and...God, Mum...." I trailed off, running my hand through my curls again. "Oh..Baby." She said opening her arms , for me to fall into them. I crawled into her embrace and rested my head on her chest. "Mum..I'm freaked out. That's never happened to me before. Will they arrest me mum?" I asked. She tightened her grip around me. "No! The only reason that they would arrest you is if you start dating someone." She said soothingly to me. "But what if I like someone. What will they do?" I asked, starting to scare myself even more. "Nothing, baby." She said twirling my curls between her fingers. "Because I think I like him mum." I confessed. "And that's totally fine, Sweety." She said kissing the top of my head. "Ok." I said calmed down a bit more. "Thanks mum." I said, quickly crawling off of her and walking back upstairs.


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