Chapter 5

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We decided to watch the first Transformers movie. It was one of my favorites actually, and when I asked Louis if he liked it he just gave me a nod of his head. "I'll make you two some popcorn," Mum said, walking into the kitchen. Louis sunk into the side of the couch he was sitting on and pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them. I sat down on the end of the couch opposite of him and grabbed the remote. "You don't have to be afraid or intimidated by me you know. When you talk I'm not gonna judge you," I said quietly, as the previews played on the screen. He slowly turned his head towards me and just stared. When it got to the menu of the movie he finally spoke. "A-are you doing this b-because your mum is making you?" He asked softly. I quickly shook my head. "Course not. I just-," His eyebrows furrowed and he interrupted me. "Feel sorry for me?" He asked. I shook my head again. "No. I-," He tried to interrupt me again but I kept going. "Just wanna be your friend."

The smell of popcorn filled the room and Louis let his head fall into his kness again. I sighed. "Louis, can you listen to me for a second?" I asked. He shook his head in his knees and stared at the wall. "Please," I whispered. "Why do you wanna be my friend? I'm freaking weird and have God awful asthma. I'm just boring and no one ever wants to be friends with me," He said, still staring at the wall. This is the most he's ever talked around me. I scoot closer to him and rested my hand on his shoulder, making him flinch. "Because I think you're cool," I said, looking down at him. He lifted his head up and looked at me again. "You know, if you're just kidding with me and planning to punch me, go ahead. I'm used to it," He said, staring at me with hurt eyes. My eyes softened. "I would never punch you, Louis," I said softly. Mum walked in with the popcorn and set it on the coffee table. "Are you boys alright?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes mum. We're fine," I said. She gave me an unconvinced look but walked back into the kitchen. "Can we just watch the movie?" He asked. I sighed. "Not until we're friends," I said. He looked at me and bit his lip. "You're not gonna hit me?" He asked nervously. I shook my head quickly. "No no no. Louis. I'll never hit you or do anything that would hurt you, I promise," I said seriously. "Then yeah...we're friends," He said, giving me a small smile. That's the first time I've seen him smile since he got here and....I like him better this way.


Louis and I have gotten a bit closer since Friday night. I went over there on Sunday and we just hung out in his room and listened to music. It was quite nice. He has really good taste in music. We listened to The Script, John Mayor, The Fray, and One Republic. I'm glad he's actually talking to

me now instead of just nodding his head. He has one of those voices where you can just sit back and listen to it for hours. I love it. Tonight we're gonna go out and get ice cream. I'm praying that no one will get the wrong idea and think we're on a date. I really am. "Hey Hun. Are you almost ready? Jay just texted and said Louis is ready whenever you are," She said, smiling. "Yeah, just let me get my jacket," I said, walking to the couch, where I had thrown it, and grabbed it, putting it over my shoulders. She kissed my forehead. "Have fun," She said. I opened the door. "I will mum," I smiled at her before closing it behind me and making my way to Louis' house. I knocked on the door and Jay opened it with a smile on her face. "Hi, Love!" She said happily, pulling me into a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. Louis walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder. She pulled away from me and moved out of the way so Louis could get through the door. "You two have fun alright?" She said, smiling again. I swear there was always a smile on this woman's face. "We will," I said and then she softly closed the door. The ice cream shop was about five minutes away so we decided to walk. "'s your day been?" I asked, trying to start conversation. "Good," He said, kicking a rock and watching it roll along the sidewalk. We walked in complete silence for another minute or so. "Harry," He said, looking straight ahead. I looked over at him, and he hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke. "I n-never thanked you for...helping me that night," He said, looking down at his feet. I bit my lip. "You don't have to say thank you. You needed help, Lou," I said, kicking the same rock he had kicked just moments before. "Yes I do Harry. I could have been out there all night, struggling to breathe and you came out there and helped me. More like saved my life," He said softly. I didn't really know how to respond to that, so thank God we arrived at the ice cream shop. We walked in and told the employee what we wanted. Louis got strawberry with sprinkles and I got a swirl in a waffle cone. I got my wallet out but Louis caught my wrist. "No," He said, quickly grabbing his wallet out of his pocket and grabbing a five dollar bill. "I-I'm paying," He said, handing the money to the girl. I tried to stop him but he stood in front of me. She handed us our ice cream and we smiled at her before sitting down at a table. "Lou. I could've paid," I said, as he licked his ice cream. "N-no. That's just a way o-of saying thank y-you," He said nervously, as though he thought I would be mad. I smiled at him. "Thanks..but I'm paying next time." He gave me a slight smile then licked his ice cream again.


I just wanna try this. Can i get 10 comments? If I do I'll post another chapter :) LOVE YOU

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