Chapter 9

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**And I just want to remind yall that Harry is telling you the story. So basically he is the narrorator. And all of this has already happened! Just wanted to remind yall**



Three Weeks Later

"So what do you boys plan on doing today?" Mum asked, sliding pancakes onto both of our plates.

"Uhh we don't know yet," I looked over at Louis. He had spent the night last night, and the night before that, and the night before that....and..the night before that. Okay, let's just say he has slept over at my house more than he has his own, over the last three weeks.

I don't really mind though because he's really warm. If that sounds weird, I don't care. I really don't.

"Is there anything you want to do today Lou?" I continued, still looking at him. He shrunk into himself and started picking at his nails. I sighed. "We don't know yet," I told mum. Before we came downstairs for breakfast, he was talking a storm, but now he won't even give a slight nod. I'm pretty sure it's because mum's in the room. I looked at her and thanked her for making us breakfast. She smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

I bent over on the stool I was sitting on and put my finger under Louis' chin, gently lifting it up. "Does my mum make you nervous?" I asked. He stared into my eyes, but he didn't say anything. I sighed and pulled away from him, digging into my


We sat there in complete silence for a few minutes, the only sound was our forks hitting our plates. I looked over at him and he was staring at me. "What?" I asked, smiling at him.

He quickly looked away. "Nothing," He said quietly, picking at his pancake with his hands.

I decided to drop it. "How about we go into London for the day? Does that sound good?" It's only and hour and a half away so why not? He quickly looked at me and nodded, smiling with his mouth closed because he had food in his mouth. I smiled back, not only because he agreed, but because he smiled. You would think I see it more than I do.

When we finished eating I told mum where we were going then quickly got dressed. I had on black skinny jeans, brown boots, a white t-shirt, and a grey beanie. While I got my mum's car keys, Louis went over to his house to get dressed.

"Thanks mum. I love you," I said, kissing her cheek.

"I love you too and please be careful. And also don't stay out too late," She said seriously.

"We won't mum. We'll be back by seven alright?" I asked.

She nodded. "Alright. Have fun." She said smiling and giving me a hug.

I hugged her back. "We will mum!" I cheered happily, running out the door and jumping into the car, backing out of my driveway and pulling in front of Louis' house.

Not even three minutes later he walked out and quickly got into the car. He had on regular skinny jeans, white converse, a grey sweater, and a navy blue beanie.

[[[[[IM SORRY BUT I JUST THINK BEANIE HARRY AND LOUIS IS ADORABLE. sndbdlalandd allal. who's with me?! ]]]]

"You ready Lou?" I asked, putting the car back in drive. He quickly nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back then started driving towards the interstate.

I can't wait to get there because we'll be out of the this hell hole of a home. I'm not going to have to be paranoid about being watched by government assistants on the streets. But I also can't wait to get there because I'm going to get to walk around with Louis all day. I might even hold his hand because, who can stop me? That's right, no one. I mean we sleep all cuddled up to eachother every night. Literally. As much as I don't want myself to like him..I do. I know there's a huge risk with me liking him, but I just can't help it.

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