Chapter 6

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I giggled and typed a response to Louis' text.

'Your dumb you know that?'

Louis responded almost immediatly.

'I'm dumb? You spelled you're wrong smarty pants.'

I smiled to myself and typed out another response.

'Alright whatever you say. But at least im not a nerd that actually cares about punctuation and spelling while texting'

It took Louis a minute to respond.

'I'm admitting defeat because, yes I am a nerd, and I use punctuation.'

I smiled again and started typing. It's been almost three months and Louis and I have gotten so much closer. He still stutters when he talks to me sometimes though. But I think I've earned his trust. I mean, we go out a lot. Like, not on dates. Of course they weren't dates. Just like, going out for ice cream, or going out for a quick lunch.

':) Do you wanna come over and watch a movie?'

'What movie?'

I thought for a second.

'Umm I don't know..we could rent one'

'Can we watch Despicable Me?! :))))' He texted.

I smiled at his written excitement and typed back.

'Yeah. Cmon :]'

He showed up at my door a few minutes later with a blanket draped over his shoulders.

"Ahhh. Hello Love," Mum said, when Louis plopped down on the couch.

"Hi Anne," He said, slightly smiling, then turning his head towards me.

I smiled and sat down next to him. "Despicable Me huh?"


I bit my lip and looked through the movies we had on our Tv. When Depsicable Me popped up I quickly selected it and Louis smiled, sinking into the cushion.


Midway through the movie Louis moved so his head was on my lap and his feet were hanging over the arm of the couch. I smiled every time he would laugh at something in the movie because I rarely hear his laugh. It's just like his voice. I could listen to it for hours and it was great because he was laughing at about every part of the movie.

When his head got heavier and his breathing got slower I knew he had fallen asleep. I bit my lip and stared down at him. He really was beautiful. There's no denying that. I gently ran my fingers through his hair and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. I bit the inside of the my cheek and gently moved back so I was sitting up against a cushion. He didn't flinch so I carefully slipped my hands under his arms and gently pulled him into my lap.


I jumped and my mum was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. She was smiling at me. Louis moved his head so it was on my chest and I gently wrapped my arms around him. I looked back up and mum was still looking at me. Well, I think. She was either looking at me or Louis. I gave her a confusing look and she carefully walked into the living room and stood in front of me.

"Whatcha doing?" She whispered, smirking.

I blushed and looked down. "Nothing. He jus-."

"Harry I want you to be happy," She said, looking at Louis.

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