The Piper

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Chapter 2~
Today was the big day. Today was the day that I looked a little older, and let me tell you I wasn't looking forward to it. I was to turn 15 today where my parents and everyone else except me to be a lot more responsible. But of course I knew and the boys knew that it wasn't going to happen. Every year everyone excepts the same thing but it never happens. I won't let it, I refuse to grow up! I don't care what they want, it's what I want.

The sun rose up from behind the window and decided to shine bright in my face. My eyes squinted at the sudden light as I sat up in the bed. Hair was messy as usual and blankets hanging off of both sides along with my pillow half off the bed. I gave a small yawn while stretching out my arms in the process.
"Another day..."
I whispered to myself not daring to finish the rest of it.
My heart sank a bit at the thought that I shall not see Peter again, that three well now four years ago..I had my last adventure again.
The door creaked open to the nursery revealing a womanly figure. It was my mother. She looked a bit tired but still had a big smile upon her perfectly shaped face. Slowly, I turned my head towards her making sure that I had a 'smile' on.
"May I come in?" She asked softly making sure not to wake up john,Michael or baelfire. I nod as she steps in quietly. Gently, she comes and sits beside me with a rectangular gift in her hands.
"What's this?"
I asked with my smile growing a bit wider softly taking the box.
"It's for you."
Mother smiled putting both hands on her lap.
My hands carefully tore the box open revealing a beautiful New nightgown. I did need a new one either way. I'm almost growing out of this one already since it's a bit tight now. A small gasp escape my lips as my eyes studied the details on the nightgown, tracing the stitching along the sides.
"Its lovely."
I smile once more pulling my mother into a hug.
"Thank you."
I say into her shoulder.
"Anytime Darling."
She said as she gently brushed my hair with her hand. I could tell that she gave a small chuckle due to her body language. We both ended up letting go at the same time and looking at each others facial expressions. I then noticed that mother frown a bit looking towards the floor.
"Mother..what's wrong."
I guess that I startled her a bit since she did jump a bit.
Her face turned towards mine meeting my eyes.
"Wendy, your father and Aunt Millicent have decided that since your a young adult that you will have your own room next to the nursery."
My heart just stopped in thin air at her last word. OUT OF THE NURSERY??AWAY FROM THE BOYS?! I have to be dreaming I just have to.
"I thought you'd rather hear the news from me than your father..." she sighed looking at me waiting for me to say something, but at this point. I didn't... that was until I found my words.
"You can't do this!"
I almost shouted.
"Wendy please, keep your voice down."
"Its not fair!"
I yelled ignoring her request. I couldn't let them do this I just couldn't.
"I'm sorry Wendy but-"
"But nothing where's father!?"
I questioned obviously furious. I didn't mean to cut her off I was just mad at that point and didn't care.
She sighed and said nothing but just point outside the door.
"Thank you!"
And marched off towards father.
"Father please you can't do this, it isn't fair! Baelfire gets to stay in the nursery and he's almost..... older!"
I still refused to say grown up.
Father stood up and looked down at me fixing his glasses, throwing his newspaper down on the floor.
"Barlfire is a BOY that's different, you are almost a woman and a young woman like you needs a room of her own."
He crossed his arms. {A/N:Well he's not being sexist that's for sure -_-}
"Now if we're done here, you may go to your room."
Father said his last words and was about to leave until I opened my mouth.
"No. I will not."
My hands we're now in fists by my side. I became usually stubborn when I thought things weren't fair. Yup this was one of them.
I saw his eyes narrow at my response as he grabbed me by the arm and practically dragged me up the stairs. I struggled to break free dragging my feet in the process as we grew closer towards the horrid room. Father then swings open the door and tossed me in.
"Your things are already in here so don't bother on coming out!" He yelled at me before slamming the door. He wasn't wrong, there; my word robe already waiting for me along with some of my books and a bit of toys. Probably john and Michael snuck them in.
Tears stream down my face as I threw myself onto my bed and cried into the pillow.
Why do they want me to grow up already? I mean I know that I'm not that much of a child anymore but they couldn't just let me live a fantasy a bit longer...
The boy got up and held out his hand towards the girl.
"Don't you know what a kiss is?"
She questioned looking up at the boy.
"I shall know when you give me one."
He responded with his hand still out.
All the girl did was give a small laugh and handed him a thimble.
The blonde gave a confused look at it since he didn't know exactly what it was. He even sniffed it too.
"I suppose I'm to give you one now."
The girl smiled and gave a smile laugh.
"If you'd like."
She closed her eyes and leaned her face in towards him.
The boy was indeed confused and searched his satchel looking for something else to give her in return. Finally he found a small acorn hidden away and held it up to her face. At first she didn't budge since her eyes we're still closed. Then he moved the acorn towards her face; closer this time so she could notice it.
The girl finally opened her eyes and just stared at the acorn, studying it curiously. Her confusion then turned into a smile. Gently she took the acorn from him and his eyes met hers.
"Thank you."
She smiled once more then ran to her dresser and made it into a necklace.

gasp escaped my lips as I pushed myself on my elbows and opened my eyes. I pulled hands to my face and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. That dream...that boy...the kiss. It wasn't making any sense. There was a cool breeze blowing in but from where? My head turns towards the window with the curtains draped down flowing with the wind. The sun was still out but it was already going down. Did I really sleep that long? Slowly I threw my legs over the bed and got up walking towards the window. Before I closed the window I gently put both my hands on the sides and closed my eyes once more. It was like I could still feel Peter's presence. A small smile formed as I opened my eyes again and took a glance at the second star. It still twinkled like it did three years ago; correction four years now. I gave a small frown as the sun kept setting, peaking over the London clock. A rather long sigh escaped once I closed the window.
"Maybe in another world.."
I kept focus on the floor and walked towards my dresser. There I spotted the acorn necklace well thimble that peter gave me the first time we met. Then it clicked! The dream, the kiss,
I managed to give a wide smile once my hand softly stroked the necklace. The hole, Tinkerbell, the lost boys. I smiled even bigger remembering all the good times I had on neverland. I then placed the necklace in both hands and wrap it around my neck once more. It hasn't been touched since then. The necklace still fits perfectly on me as I took my hair out while fixing it.

"You haven't changed a bit love."
A British accent boomed in back of me.
My eyes widen, letting my smile fade and moving my hands away from my neck. Quickly I turn to face the figure taking a step back a bit.
"Who are you? And how did you get in here?!"
I asked rather scared, my voice cracking in the end.
"Aww I'm hurt, you don't remember me?"
All that could be seen from the person was just a playful smirk. He was wearing a cloak that is covering him up quite well not revealing any part of him to the point where he could be exposed.

"I've never seen you in my life!"
I confessed leaning closer to the dresser.
The boy then took a step closer.
"Now now, there's no need to shout."
He was obviously amused by my fear of him which wasn't good.
I shifted my hands to the edge of the dresser pushing myself a step closer to him. I had to be brave didn't I?
"I'm going to say this one more time. Who. Are. You?!"
Now I was angry I  just wanting to rip his cloak off and reveal this coward.
"Enough games Darling, the real question is are you really that blind to not know who I am."
He then stepped closer once more and was now looking down at me. Problem was I couldnt see one single detail of his face. The cloak was almost making it impossible.
"I will scream if you don't fess up."
I threated grinding my teeth in the process.
The boy just gave a small laugh then stayed completely still for a moment . He  probably didn't even belive me anyways.
He didn't budge one bit as I opened my mouth to scream or so I thought. I took in a breath of air and held it in for now.
A sudden wind flashed towards me for now. How the heck did he get from there to here!? I was being pinned against the wall by him and ended up slamming my back on the wall along with the head involved. He was certainly strong for just a boy which I wasn't to excited about. My eyes widened with fear since his hand was covering my mouth. I couldn't call for any help now thanks to him. Still pinning me down, with his free hand, the boy pulled his hood back just a bit to where I can see his eyes. They were a emerald green color which seemed very familiar. I also noticed something else in them, his eyes...they look lost...

Haha I did another chapter! Your welcome ;) yeah I know it took so long but I've been busy since school has started . How was this chapter? Was it better than the rest? Should I change something about the story? If you have any ideas just ask and maybe I'll add them in, of course I'll give you credit! XD heh wendy is still clueless if that were me I don't think I would remember either . And yes i did edit that picture (:please like and comment thanks !! ♡♡♡

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