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Chapter 4~

He had stopped walking, waiting for her to catch up as they were walking through the forests trying to get back to camp.
"Peter..what are you're real...feelings?"
The boy gave the girl a rather odd look while facing her.
He stared at her,unsure what else to say.
"What do you feel? Happiness? Sadness?"
She paused for a moment before drawing closer towards him.
The boy replied back still rather confused.
"Tink?" He suggested.
The girl continued on.
He questioned once more.
Her eyes looked away from him until asking yet another as he started to walk away slowly.
The boy stopped in his tracks and turned towards her, almost breathing the word beneath his breath.
She spoke once more, looking at him with sad eyes almost; wondering if he even felt it not long ago. At first he didn't say a word, like he was about to walk away,Instead he walked towards her and stopped just inches away from each other. That's when he slowly leaned in towards her until she could feel his hot breath on her ear.
"I have never heard of it."
He whispered in a almost angry tone. The boy soon backed away waiting to see how the girl would respond.
"I think you have peter."
She paused.
"Daresay you've felt it yourself...for someone or something..."
She looked at him up and down.
He spat.
"Even the sound of it offendens me."
The boy shrugged about to walk away.
"Why do you spoil everything!? We have fun don't we?!"
He was in a rather bad mood you could say.
"I taught you to fight, to fly. What more could there be!?"
He threw his hands up.
Quickly the girl shook her head.
"There is so much more-"
"What? What else is there!?"
She was taken back by his sudden outburst. Tears filled the boys eyes but he didn't dare let them fall.
"I-I dont know. I think becomes clearer when you grow up."
"Well I will not grow up! You cannot make me!"
He grew closer towards her, still full of fire.
"I will banish you like tinkerbell."
He yelled close to her face.
"I will not be banished!"
She yelled back wide eyed with a bit of hurt in her blue eyes. They became watery and filled with sadness.
"Then go home, go home and grow up."
He had said those words as if it didn't phase him one bit.
"And take your feelings with you!"
He spat over his shoulder before flying off.

Wendy jolted awake, panting a bit.
"It was just a dream.."

I sighed in relief catching my breath while closing my eyes.
Once I open them everything seems to be the way it was before, the lantern was still on and the window was still closed, and the boys-right...I'm alone. A sigh escaped my lips as I gave a sad look down at my hands.

"Why did father do this?"

I referred to no other than myself.

"Maybe because you're getting to old."

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