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Chapter 5~

"That was a far fall from what we saw."

Felix gestured towards my side which had a bit of blood stained on it. It seemed fresh since the color was a bright red.


I nodded slowly swallowing hard, covering it with my hand just to wince at the touch of the cloth.

"Here, we'll get you to camp."

Felix had held out a hand for me to take as the lost boys gathered around waiting for me.

Can I trust them? I mean I only just met them..

What am I saying, these are the boys from before. Of course I can!

Hesitantly I took his hand while he helped me up carefully and we started walking away from the ocean. Leaving nothing behind but foot prints. There was no longer hot sand beneath my feet but wet soil and tiny rocks.

What I don't get is why Baelfire warned me about neverland. I've been here before, why was he so worried?I mean I understand the shadow part...which was new but Peter and the boys have been some what nice towards me so far. I've only been gone for 3 years,not much should have changed. In overall the island itself looks the same but the magic feels stronger than before. Could peter have been lying about its magic just to get me here?

All these thoughts floated away once we reached what Felix called the 'camp'.

There was tents set up along with a fire lit in the middle of everything. Tree tops covered the lighting of the sun and in the distance, something that looked like a small house you could say. This was nothing like I remember..

My brows furrowed together; confused at the sight of everything. Where's the hideout? The fairies village?? And Where's hooks ship???

"..what happened to the hideout??"

This wasn't right, everything felt weird..something was up but I couldn't quite understand what.

"Hideout? What hideout? If you're talking about this, it's not a hideout, it's a camp...Pan's camp."

A boy questioned, not knowing what I was talking about. Shouldn't he know? Hasn't he been here for some time?

"You mean Peter."

I corrected him.

"No Darling, it's Pan."

Felix supposedly 'corrected' me.

Darling. What's that all about?

"He doesn't go by Peter anymore, it's Pan, always has and always will."

A sligh smirk filled his features like he was put over some spell and was forced to smile at his actions. That sent chills down my spin but soon shook it off.

Then Felix removed his arm from me and let me roam around the camp for a bit.

"Go on..we won't do anything. We promise. Lost boy's honor."

A boy said before giving a small bow 'Being formal'.

So no ones
I could hear some boys chuckle like it was some joke or something but then another rather low voice cut in.

"Now, now, play nice. Go on Darling, take a look."

Felix 'smiled' towards me, referring towards the camp.

Still being unsure, I went with it and ignored the screams coming from the back of my mind to tell me to stop and run.

I started walking around the camp noticing the change in scenery of the place. Bolders scattered throughout the area, the darkness of the soil, logs spread out for what I'm guessing to sit or to rest on, and the smell of campfire spread out in the air.

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