Old Days?

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Chapter 3~
Slowly he removed his hand from my mouth. Why does this seem so familiar...
My body then relaxed. That was until he grabbed both my wrists which made me tense up once more.
I wish he would just tell me who the heck he was!
"Let me go."I demanded through my grinned teeth. I starred up at him,glaring in the process to show that I wasn't kidding.
"Sorry,you are mine." he pulled his face closer to mine to the point where I could feel his hot breath.
"Don't be silly."
My brows furrowed in argument. No way that he was serious. In fact he was. His eyes gave a cold look at me saying that he wasn't joking around. All he did was nod in response.
"I barley know you and you expect ME. To be 'your' property?! You must be stupid if You think you're right!" I spat right back at him inching in more closer. A smirk appeared on his lips. "You've got fire,I like fire."
Rolling my eyes while scoffing, my attention is soon on him once again. "Good to know."
I replied sarcastically before spitting in his face and loosening one arm free.
"Maybe a little too much fire." His face read amusement as
I winced at his now tight grasp on my wrists. With one hand he wiped off the saliva I left on him and chuckled but his laugh seemed angered.

Again,he pushed me against my wall as he kept a firm grip on my wrists preventing me trying to break free. That's when it hit me.

"Don't say that!"
He said coldly with his hand over her mouth.
"Everytime someone says that a fairy somewhere falls down dead." Slowly he pulled his hand away.
"And I shall not find her if she's dead."
The boy shrugged it off and started roaming around the room.
"You mean to tell me that there is a fairy in here!" the girl beamed towards the boy. The boy nodded and smiled towards her reassuring her that fairies are indeed real.

I guess he noticed my lack of attention from him since his grip loosened. Taking a step back, the boy smirks a bit then it fades after he pulls off his hood.
"I am. Peter pan."
My mouth gapped opened at his words as I struggled to find mine.
"Thats-that's utterly impossible!"
I protested leaning off the wall carefully.
"It's it?"
The smirk came back as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a object. In his hand was a thimble....a thimble from three years ago. A thimble that was my first kiss. A thimble that changed everything three years ago.
I breathed not knowing how to react.
"There's my bird."
He chuckled a bit and stepped closer towards me.
"B-but how!?! You left! You left me and never came back! Where were you all this time!"
Believe me, I was more than happy to see him once again but was angered for him almost never coming back.
"You even grew up!"
He always said that he wanted to be a boy and never grow up but now look at him.
Peter just raised a brow, like this is what he wanted to happen. He was even smiling at my outburst.
"Well you see love, there's a difference between growing old and having a young mind."
I get what he was saying but he didn't even act like a boy from his time being here.
"You on the other hand,"
His eyes wondered to me from head to toe which was a bit uncomfortable knowing that he grew up the slightest bit.
"Have grown up well."
Quickly I turned my body away from him, Not wanting to face peter.
"What are you doing here anyways?"
I meant to ask angry but it was more soft like how I usually talk.
"Why am I here? Your really going to ask that question?"
He asked in his British accent which I still have to get use to.
"Are we really going to play games pan?!"
"Ah, so we're playing games now."
I could see his smirk from the corner of my eye.
"That's not what I meant and you know that!"
Growing inpatient I crossed my arms and turned to him.
"Feisty still I see. Well of course to bring you back to neverland."
My heart stopped as the word neverland was heard.
"Go back?"
I was about protest until I was interrupted by a knock at the door.
"It's time for dinner. Mother wants you to come down for a birthday uh thing."
"Um, okay..I'll be down in a bit."
Footsteps were heard going down the stairs then it was silent.
"Someone's birthday day I see?"
I glared at him or to where I thought he was. Peter was already standing by the window. Opened.
"The Shadow will come back for you. You have three days."
And just like that, he left me there. Dumbfounded in my own thoughts.

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