Because of me

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~Chapter 7~

[Please read a/n it's important]

She was gone.

Taken away right in front of me and I didn't do a thing to stop it. I was being a coward, a silly little girl who only got herself into this mess.

If only I hadn't been so foolish and agreed to Peter's offer in the first place.

The lost boys were holding her captive now and not to mention Peter, the leader of the little devils, were probably enjoying themselves by now. Satisfied that they're getting everything given to them without having to do much work.

I stood there in utter shock and disappointment with myself.

"How could I be so naive and stupid!?"

"So selfish!"

I spat as a grumble escaped my lips before stomping down on the ground with my foot, causing me to wince at my recent injury.

I was frustrated by my lack of actions and raged wound.

Sure me and Tink had problems with one another in the past years but after what she did for me; sacrificing herself, I have to return the favor. There's no denying that.

One way or another and that's exactly what I was going to do.

Watching everything unfold in front of me was a mistake and a big one but Tink's right, it's up to me to change him or do something at least.

I know this isn't the Peter I loved, the other Peter was caring, kind and adventurous.

This one...he was the complete opposite.

A demon is what you could label him.

His heart is mainly made of ice and darkness. Nothing warming and inviting.

Slowly I started to gain my courage back just as I closed my eyes and drew a breath in before letting it out.

Then I started walking, to where?

That I don't know yet but soon I will.

A pang of guilt filled my chest with every step I took making me feel more stressed than before.

"It's now or never."

I whispered to myself as I took a small step forward and started walking at a good pace.
[Third person p.o.v]

"Shouldn't we go after her?"

The dirty blonde asked his leader in his usual raspy voice.

A wicked smile tugged on the boy's lips as he shook his head, lowering his telescope from his face.

"No. Let her go. She's injured remember, she can't go far even if she wanted to. Just wait, she'll come running back, right into our trap."

The famous smirk was once again plastered on the teen's lips; cocking his bows for effect.

"Besides, someone we've been expecting for a while will be here any moment. I can feel it."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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