Of Destiny and Soulmates

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Jade's POV - (2nd person point of view)


You've always been sure of yourself. Brimming with confidence that's fit for the heiress of a multi-billionaire Filipino-Chinese family. You're the princess and the gem of the family, you weren't named after China's precious stone for nothing. That's why you've always carried yourself around with finesse and grace—oh so fitting for someone of your stature.

Many of your friends and acquaintances have already told you in the past how lucky you are and how some would love to live your life. You have it all, riches, fame, and the love of your family.

But you'd beg to differ, when something as simple as loving a woman—loving a person of the same gender, becomes the catalyst that opens Pandora's box.

You didn't want this to happen—for you to fall for her, for Althea Guevarra.

But no, you couldn't control your own feelings, there was never a way to control the way your love grew for her. You never expected your feelings to grow fast with only the few time you've spent with her. Then again, you can say that the attraction was already there in the beginning, that very moment when in an instant, you gazed at her slim lit figure at the chapel as she walked past you while you went to the aisle. 

You would've stopped walking, but you are the only bridesmaid your oldest brother has in his wedding. You didn't want to screw up and you didn't want to continue on entertaining the fluttering sensation of butterflies in your stomach and the growing warmth in your heart.

You don't believe in soulmates, and neither do you believe in destiny. It's silly and those esoteric beliefs don't have a space in your dictionary. But again, you'd beg to differ now.

You feel like you've eaten your words the moment you entertained Sally's words on your brother's wedding day, and if you ever tell your bestfriend, she might tell you "I told you so" with a silly grin on her face. Mostly likely, she'd even parade her success at proving you otherwise, so you kept it to yourself. 

You held on to that fact that destiny and soulmates does have a space in your world, and you'd like it keep it that way. 

The information felt intimate and private to you, but you yourself share and whisper those beliefs in the silence of your girlfriend's room, in the comfort of the night and darkness. Away from prying and judging eyes, you trace and mark your belief of paired up lovers by heaven and God's grace on Althea's skin and flesh, and whisper promises and oaths in her ears that you wish you can someday say in front of everyone, in front of the aisle, blessed by God and the priest as you enter a union with her.

It's still a far away dream, you're very much aware of that, but you'd like to believe and hold onto her hopes and wishes. That someday, you and Althea will be wed and that there will be an end to your predicament with your family and your chosen love.


A/N: It really is easier for me to write in 2nd POV, and it's refreshing. Was listening to Tadhana by Up Dharma Down so it made writing this easy. I'm still not finished with Part 2 of I'm Here and I'm frankly just cramming writing this to my time schedule.

Thanks for reading.

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