"A Beach Day?" Chapter 8

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I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I had dodged this question, but what about all the others? What about pool parties? What about swim meets? What about everything?

A tear slips from my eye, knowing I won't be able to do any of this anymore. I had to quit swimming for my school. I couldn't go to pool parties. I can't go to the beach.

Now I feel like I'm cursed. What did I do to deserve this?

Soon I fall asleep, not knowing what I will be faced with in the morning.


"If these sheets were the states,
and you were miles away,
I'd fold them end after end,
to bring you closer to me." My phone rang.

I open my eyes and swing my arm out beside me, trying to find my phone.


"Hey babe," Luke's voice said on the other end. "Get ready because we're having a beach day! I'll be there in 20 minutes to pick you up." He says quickly.

"Luke, I-" I start but was cut off by a buzz. He had already hung up.

"A beach day?" I mumble to myself.

I had 20 minutes to get ready for splashing around in the water with my boyfriend who will think I'm a freak the second I get in the ocean.

No thanks.

What am I going to say to him? I already blew him off once. I don't want to be that girlfriend.

Before I had any more time to think, Luke was already here.

I run downstairs and open the door for him. He kisses my cheek and enters with a picnic basket.

"Ready?" Luke asks with a smile.

"U-um, actually I think I'm coming down with a cold," I lie and fake cough.

"Oh," His smile fades. "We can just have the picnic here then!" He suggests.

I smile and nod, walking over to the couch to turn on a movie.

Luke follows me and sets the picnic basket on the glass table in front of us. We opens it and takes out plates, mini sandwiches, powdered donuts and 2 Mt. Dews.

I giggle and grab a mini sandwich and take a bite, while scrolling through the list of movies on Netflix.

"Let's watch Paranormal Activity!" Luke suggests.

"No! I'll end up having nightmares for the next 7 years." I say.

"Pwease Emiwy," Luke pouts, sticking out his bottom lip and giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I sigh and give in, earning a smirk from Luke. "Fine."

15 minutes later, I already had my head in Luke's chest, not daring to look at the TV.

"You're fine, I'll protect you." Luke whispers in my ear. I smile, glad I have such a good boyfriend like Luke.

After the movie was done, me and Luke cuddled and talked about random things like puppies, food, music and how cute his nose is.


"That's my phone," Luke says, taking his phone out of his pocket and reading the text he just received. "We have band practice soon. I gotta get going."

"Okay," I say and sit up.

I help Luke pack the things back up into picnic basket and walk him too the door.

"Thanks for coming over." I tell him.

"No problem," He says and kisses ny lips softly. "Feel better soon."


"You're cold..." Luke reminds me.

"Oh yeah. I had such a good time I forgot about that." I laugh.

"Bye." Luke laughs.

"See ya," I reply and close the door. I sigh and put my back against it.

I hated lying to Luke.

A/N: Hey you guys! I'm going to the beach this week so I won't be updating :(

I'm going to start doing a Question Of The Chapter so I can get to know you guys a bit more!

QOTC: What are you doing for vacation?

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