"Don't Feed The Birds Frozen Yogurt!" Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

I felt horrible about lying to Luke. Especially when me and Calum went to the beach. But he doesn't know about that, which is how I want it to stay.

I really want to tell him. I really need to tell him. And the other guys too. But I don't think I can just yet. Calum thinks it's cool, but the others will want nothing to do with me.

I know he feels sad about me avoiding him all the time. I can't see it in his eyes and the way his expression falls when I tell him I can't go to the beach.

So today I'm making it up to him.

After I eat lunch, I text Luke and ask if he wants to go out for frozen yogurt.

'Of course! I'll pick you up in 15 xx' He texts back almost instantly.

I already have on my clothes for today, so all I have to do is my makeup.

I have on my white high waisted shorts and black shirt with a dream catcher on it. To match that, I slipped on my black converse.

For my makeup, I put on the basics. Foundation, mascara and eyeliner. Luke didn't like for me to wear too much makeup because he thinks I'm just as beautiful without it. 

I get done just in time because when I go back downstairs, Luke knocks on the front door.

I smile and open it to let him in.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," He smiles. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, just one second," I tell him, turning around and look at Seth watching tv.

"I'll be back later, Seth." I tell him, grabbing my purse.

"See ya!" He says, waving at us as I close the door.

Luke slips his hand into mine as we walk down the stone covered path to his car.

"I'm really glad we get to do this," Luke tells me.

I look up at him and smile. He smiles back as he opens the passenger side door and let's me get in. He closes the door and goes around to his side.

"Froyo here we come!" I giggle as he starts the car and we drive off.

When go to Sweet Frog, which was a mistake. There was a pack of six girls who were obviously fans of 5 Seconds Of Summer.

I wonder if their outfits or the screaming when we walked in gave it away.

"Luke!" One of them said as they all run over to me and him.

"Can we get a picture with you?" Another one asked.

"Sure," Luke smiled.

"Will you take it?" Another girl asked, holding out her phone.

I nod and smile as I take her phone. I pull up the camera and they all pose with Luke.

With three on one side of him, and the other three on the other side, I snap the picture.

"Thank you so much!" The girl who gave me her phone said.

"No problem," I smile.

"Bye Luke!" One of them said.

Luke smiles and waves goodbye as they walk out the door.

"Now, let's get frozen yogurt," He says, walking up to the counter.

I giggle and follow him.

We grab our cups. Luke fills his with Cookies and Cream and I get Cookie Dough. He puts gummy bears on his and I put sprinkles on mine. He pays for them and we go outside to eat.

It was in front of the boardwalk so we go in the back and sit at one of the picnic tables on the back deck that overlooks the ocean.

We sit in silence for a few minutes and just eat as we watch the waves roll in.

Luke gasps when four pigeons land on the railing of the boardwalk.

"Emily, look!" He says.

I giggle and nod.

"Can I pet it?" Luke asks.

"What?" I laugh. "It's a bird,"

Luke gets up from his spot and walks slowly over to the pigeons.

"Hello little birdy!" He waves.

"It's not going to say hello. It's a bird, Luke," I tell him.

He frowns and walks back over to the table. He continues to eat his frozen yogurt until he looks up at me and smirks.

"What?" I ask.

He gets up again and this time takes his frozen yogurt with him. He walks over to the birds and holds out the cup.

"Don't feed the birds frozen yogurt!" I groan.

"But look! It's eating it!" Luke says, smiling.

"Why am I even dating you?"

A/N: Who ships Lumily? Er, Emiluke? Idk you guys come up with a ship name 😂

Sorry it took so long to upload :(

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