"I Love You." Chapter 24

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Emily's POV

I wake up and realize I'm in the same clothes as yesterday. I had fallen asleep around 6:30. I turn my head to look at the clock.


I roll over in my bed to try to go back to sleep when my foot hits something. I look down at the end of my bed and see a piece of paper. I sit up and grab it, seeing my name on the front.

I thought it would be from my mom, saying goodnight or something like that since I fell asleep early, but I was wrong.


Ashton knew you were faking being sick yesterday. We can't have that again. Make yourself more believable or else you won't like what happens if you don't.'

I throw the letter down and shiver. How did this even get in here? Was my stalker climbing through my window? Surely my parents wouldn't let a stranger into the house.

Unless it wasn't a stranger. The person doing this to me could be one of my friends. They would have no trouble getting in.

Before the boys found out, I would barely hang out with Luke, plus he though I liked Calum. Was this payback?

The rest of the boys were best friends with Luke. They could be doing it because I made Luke upset.

Could Bryana think I was stealing Ash from her? Or be mad that I'm a mermaid? Maybe she wants to be the only one.

Of course my parents wouldn't do this. They would want me to have fun with my friends. But what about Seth? What if he found out about me and is mad I didn't tell him?

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I thought about these people and why they would do something like this. Before I knew it, it was 10am and everyone in the house was up.

"Emily?" I hear my moms voice outside of my door.

"Come in." I say and she walks in, carrying a tray.

"Hey sweetie," She smiles. "How are you feeling?"

"Um, better." I say, sitting up.

"I made you some eggs, bacon and toast." She smiles, setting the tray of food on my bed.

"Thanks," I smile, taking a bite of a piece of bacon.

"Oh, and you have another letter. You've been getting a lot of mail lately." She says, handing me a letter and stands up to leave.

I wait until my door is shut to read the letter.


This evening, you're going on an adventure. I want you to start on the beach...'

The letter gave me a list of directions, what time to go and finally, a destination. Once I had made it there, I should be on some rocks standing in front of a small spring.

I sighed and folded the letter back up. This person wasn't going to stop.

As I ate some of the eggs my mom cooked for me, my phone buzzed.

I grabbed it from my bedside table and unlocked it to see the message I got.

From Luke
'Hey babe! Still sick? :-('

To Luke
I'm actually feeling better :)

From Luke
Oh yay! Want to hang out?

I scanned the letter once more. It didn't say anything about not hanging out with my friends today, only that I had to be at the boardwalk at 8.

To Luke

From Luke
Yay :-) I'll be there in 20

I set my phone down and got ready to go. I put on some black shorts and a dark red shirt Luke once bought me. I put on my converse, brushed my hair and applied some makeup.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and made my way downstairs. It wasn't long until Luke showed up.

"Hey babe!" He said and kissed me.

"I'll be back later, mom!" I called and shut the front door. I slip my hand into Luke's and intertwined our fingers.

"So, where are we going?" I ask as we walk down the street.

"Well, since it's almost mid-day, there's going to be tons of people at the beach and I don't want you to risk being seen so do you just want to walk around the boardwalk and look at the shops instead?"

"Sounds good." I smile.

Luke tried to hold in a laugh and I looked at him in a weird way. "Feels good." He said, smirking.

"You're a dork." I laugh.

"But I'm you're dork!" He says, booping my nose.

We spent the day like he said, walking around the shops on the boardwalk. We stopped at a little cafe to eat lunch and after that, shopped more. We even saw a few fans and took pictures with them.

"My feet hurt," Luke groaned.

"Let's sit down." I say, walking over to a bench to the side. He sat down and I cuddled up to him as he put his arm around me.

We sat quietly and watched the waves roll up onto the beach and go back in.

"I had an amazing time with you, today." Luke says, rubbing my arm.

"So did I," I smile. "I'm sorry I haven't been spending time with you lately."

"It's fine. You were sick and I wanted you to get better."

I bit my lip, thinking about whether or not I should tell him the real reason I haven't been spending time with him.

He was my boyfriend, he deserved to know. And plus, the letters didn't say anything about not telling anyone.

"Lu–" I begin to say but I say it too quietly and Luke doesn't seem to hear me.

"Oh crap. I have a band meeting in 15 minutes." He says, jumping up.

Luke walked me back home and apologized for having to leave so suddenly. I told him it was okay and we kissed goodbye.

"I love you, Emily." Luke tells me.

"I love you too, Luke." I smile. I go inside and watch from the window until Luke was out of sight.

I grab the letter then make my way to the beach.


So I was reading 99 Skinny (which is an amazing book, you all should read it okay? okay.) and the author did a character Q&A. If you guys want to do that, just comment questions about the characters & I'll make a part where I answer them :-) please don't let this flop lol

I hope you like the book! You can also comment any feedback. I want to make this the best it can.


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