"Hope You Feel Better." Chapter 23

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Emily's POV

My day was horrible. Everyone was out having fun and I was stuck inside eating microwaved noodles.

I jammed my fork into the bowl and angrily ate the pasta. My dad walked downstairs and stopped when he saw me.

"It's already dead."

He sets the magazine he was reading on the breakfast bar and opens up the fridge, looking for something to eat for dinner.

"Why aren't you at the beach with everyone else?" He asks, grabbing a bowl of chicken.

"Um, I'm not feeling well," I lie, telling him what I told the others.

He furrows his eyebrows and puts his hand on my forehead. "You don't feel hot."

"I don't know, sickness is weird. Let me eat my pasta in peace!" I say, trying to get out of the situation. I take my food upstairs to my room.

As I sit on my bed and eat, my eyes travel around my quiet, blue and white painted room.

They end up on a glass of water, sitting on my desk beside my bed. A smirk creeps onto my face as an idea pops into my head.

I set my pasta aside and move myself so I'm facing the glass. I take a deep breath and lift up my hand. I concentrate and angle my fingers in a way that makes a bubble of water slowly rise up out of the cup.

I smile to myself as I move the bubble over to me.

I was doing great until the doorbell rang.


I loose concentration. My hand falls and so does the water bubble. It splashes all over me and my bed.

I look down in surprise. "Awh, great." I grumble.

I fall down onto the floor with a tail. As I do, my food is knocked off by my arm. Now I'm a mermaid covered in soggy pasta.

"Emily! Ashton is here to see you!" My dad calls from downstairs.

Ashton? What is he doing here? He knows I'm sick. Well— pretending to be sick.

"I'm coming up, Em!" Ashton calls, the voice closer now.

The sound of his heavy footsteps echoed throughout the house and he made his way up the stairs.

"Uh, just a sec!" I call, trying to clean up.

If he walked in and saw me like this he would know something was up and that I wasn't sick.

I rush to get the pasta off but I wasn't fast enough.

Before I could do anything, Ashton was standing in my room, staring at me.

"Woah," he says, closing the door slowly. "What happened to you?"

"Uh, nothing. Wh–what do you mean? I don't see a problem here." I say, resting my head on my hand and looking up at him like everything was fine.

"Em, you're laying in the floor with a tail covered in," he pauses to pick a piece of food out of my hair. "Noodles." He finishes, flicking the pasta to the side.

"Yeah, I had an accident okay?" I sigh.

Ashton's eyes grow wide. "You're 17, Emily!" He exclaims.

"Not that kind of accident, you idiot!" I say, trying to sit up which was impossible with this tail.

"I was playing around with water and got myself wet. Now, excuse me while I change back into my legs." I say, balling my hand into a fist. Steam starts to rise and in a few seconds, I was human again.

I sit on my bed beside Ashton and look at him. "Why are you here?"

He looks at me for a moment. "I know you're not sick."

I start panicking. How did he know? Oh no. Was it that obvious?

I try to stay calm and play it cool. "Um, what do you mean? My throat hurts, I've been in bed all day, I feel really hot, did you know Zayn left One Direction?" I ramble, trying to change the subject.

"Emily, what's going on? Why are you pretending to be sick and not at the beach with your boyfriend?" He asks.

I stare down at my bed, playing with my fingers, not saying a word.

"Em—" Ashton starts again but my bedroom door opens and my dad peeks his head through the door.

"Ashton, Emily's sick and she should get some rest." He says.

"Yeah, I am kinda tired." I say laying my head down on my pillow.

Ashton sighs and stands up. "Okay." He walks toward my bedroom door but before he leaves, he turns back around. "Hope you feel better."

Hello everyone! Did you enjoy this chapter? It was boring but I like sassy Ashton.

Comment some ideas for some chapters and I'll add them in!

Have you guys listened to Girls Talk Boys? omL ITS SO BDHSBHSHSB. I went to SLFLCharlotte and they played it live 😍

Hope you like the book! Vote for it? :-) ily!

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