chapter 3

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~Taehyung's POV~

I was so confused. I sat there for a good 15 minutes just thinking.
Did he walk out because he was mad?
Was he embarrassed of me?
Did he really not mean it?
Does he not even like me?
As I walked out of the school, I saw him sitting there in his car. He was just sitting there with his head laying on the steering wheel. I wanted to walk over there and talk to him. Ask him if it was my fault he looked so glummy. But I knew the answer. And I knew if I went over there he'd just drive away. Hell, he probably hates me now. So I just kept on walking. I kicked another rock until I reached my door. I looked up and saw a sticky note on the door.

I left for a business trip for a couple days. I can't give you an exact day we'll be back because I don't even know. Your father decided to come to make it a sort of an early anniversary trip. There's $375 on the counter. I love you.

I ripped it off the door, walking inside to grab the money. I decided what's the point of being alone when all I wanna do is cry and watch movies. I stepped down my porch steps and made my way over to Suga's house.

~Junkook's POV~

Today was awful. I feel like I've lost my best friend to an old, mean, annoying teacher. How on earth could you possibly have a crush on your teacher? Or, rather be obsessed with your teacher. That's just weird and unnatural thing to do.
I felt tears running down my cheek. I didn't even notice I was crying. I started running not wanting anyone to see me. I reached my door and barged in. Thankfully no one would be home for another hour or so. I jumped on my bed and just cried and let it all out. I hate him. I hate how perfect Mr. Jimin is. And I hate that I'm not good enough for Tae. Why cant he love me?!
I was cut out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.
I sniffled really hard so I didn't have to do it over the phone. "Hello?"
"Hey Lil Kookie, whats up?" Awe its Yoongi
"Hey Suga, uh nothing." I giggled a little and sniffled.
"Are you okay? Are you crying?!"
"U-uh, yeah but I'm fine!" I lied
"Come over right now! You don't need to be sad anymore. I have movies and food and of course me because I'm funny as hell and everyone needs Suga Time." I laughed. I genuinely laughed.
"Sure, I'll be over in a few." I grinned and hung up the phone. I guess a little time away from the sadness is good.

It took 20 minutes to walk to Suga's but it was nice to think about things. I knocked on the door and it opened almost seconds later. He engulfed me in a huge hug but puled away before I could hug him back. He looked intently at my face.
"Your eyes are still red... And puffy." He said holding onto my shoulders. "I don't like it when it sad Kookie. Wanna talk about it?" He looked so sweet.
"U-uh.. Actually its kind of embarrassing." I scratched the back of my neck.
"C'mon, let's go get some ice cream and go in my room so we can talk." He led me to the kitchen. "I wont judge you whatever it is." He ruffled my hair and I just glared at him.
I crossed my arms and pouted. "Not nice!" I sounded like a four year old.
He just looked at me and pinched my cheeks "You're so cute! Awe just look at you. I just wanna kiss you!" My eyes widened and so did his.
"U-uh..." I couldn't talk. I felt so awkward.
"I mean. L-lets get that ice cream and talk about your problems!" He grabbed the ice cream and spoons and walked up to his room. I followed shortly after, still kinda confused about what he said. I got up to his room and he was sitting on the top of his desk hanging his legs over the edge. I sat on the bed with my legs crisscrossed.
"So whats been going on? Why are you so sad?" He asked
"Well." I looked him straight in the eye. "You can't make fun of me okay?"
"I promise!" He said nodding. I stuck out my pinky and he laughed. He linked our pinky's and I sat back a little.
"I-I, I was in love with Taehyung." His eyes widened. "Kim Taehyung. A-and I let him break my heart."
He just sat there.
"Well.. Say something!" I nudged him.
He just kept sitting there and I rolled my eyes.
"You promised not to judge me as-" I was cut off by something. Not just something. Suga's lips.
My eyes widened and I didn't know what to do. He's kissing me. What. Why? Suga, my best friend is kissing me.
He bit my lip trying to make me kiss back. But I couldn't. I was still in shock. He pulled away and just stared into my eyes. His cheeks turned pink. I reached up and touched my lips.
"What the hell?" I half whispered. He grabbed my hands out of my lap and kept on looking at me
"Kookie.." He didn't look away for a second. Not even blinking. "I'm really soory to hear that. He doesn't deserve you. Anyone would be lucky to be in love with you, for you to be in love with them. And quite frankly, I really like you. And I have for sometime. It kills me seeing you sad. I just want you to be happy." He kept looking at me and I felt my face heat up. I smile started forming on my lips.
Before I knew what was happening, he was leaning in again. And shockingly, I leaned in too.
I felt his lips on mine and instantly closed my eyes. It was so passionate and felt so careful. His arms wrapped around my neck and mine found their way to his waist. For some reason, this felt so right. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didn't want to let him in though, I was scared. He pulled my hair a little making me moan. He stuck his tongue in my mouth. I felt him chuckle a bit. He pushed me down on my back bringing his hands to my chest. His hands roamed my chest with my shirt on and it gave me shivers. He pulled away and I slowly fluttered my eyes open. He just smiled at me.
"W-wow." I thought out load. He laughed and pecked me on the lips.
"You're so cute." I blushed and covered my face with my hands and mumbled 'I'm not cute' probably inaudible to him. He pulled my hands away and kissed me on my nose.
"Feel any better?" He asked. I nodded still kind of taken away by the kiss. He kissed me again. Which turned into yet another make out session.

~Taehyung's POV~

I walked up to his house and went inside without knocking. Me and Yoongi have always been close enough friends that we're pretty much family. I heard a crash upstairs and I ran up there flinging open his door. Two heads shot in my direction and I saw a lamp laying broken on the floor. Suga was on top of a shirtless Jungkook. Their lips were red and swollen and my eyes widened.
"Aish! What the hell?!" I screamed. Jungkook looked terrified and he pushed at Suga's chest making him get off of him.
"U-uh." Jungkook was stuttering. "It's u-uh not what-" Suga cut him off.
"Yeah it is." Jungkook shot his head over in his direction. "I mean, I'm sorry you walked in on this, but your fault for coming over." I stifled a small laugh.
"Well, this is awkward but.." I jumped on the bed. "AWE YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE! AND LOOK AT LITTLE KOOKIE, HES BLUSHING! AWE AWE AWE!" I cooed at them causing Jungkook to hide his face in the pillows laying on his stomach. Suga looked at him and tapped his butt making him squeal.
"Why are you here anyway?" He asked rubbing Jungkooks back
"U-uh I was gonna tell you about detention. I see you're busy but I'm so confused and I need to talk to you. I'm having hubby troubles!" I pouted. He looked at me while Jungkook crawled into his lap clinging to him like a koala. I smiled at them. They're so cute!
"Right, tell me what happened." He hugged him by the waist and Jungkook nuzzled into his chest.
I told him everything that happened and how he stormed out like that.
"Well, it sound like he may actually like you." He started. I smiled like an idiot. THis is like a dream come true! "But." The but. There's always a but! "But maybe, he's just scared of his feelings. I mean I don't know much about this student, relationship stuff but I'd be scared to." I buried my head in the pillows and screamed.
"BUT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!" I groaned into the pillows, looking back up at him.
"Sounds to me like we need to go out for the night!" He said sliding Jungkook off his lap and standing up. "I'll go call the rest of the guys, you guys go find your fake ID's and boys, lets go out to a strip club!" He walked out of the room with his arms in the air. I looked at Jungkook and he looked at confused as I did.
"Did he say strip club?" He asked me.
"I think he did..." I starred at him. Suga came back in with his phone in his hand.
"Just called the other guys and it's on!" He grabbed my hand pulling me up. "Let's get you looking good."
"Rude!" I said, him pulling me into the bathroom. We looked back and saw Kookie pouting on the bed. He walked over to him and kissed his forehead.
"You're mine. We don't need anyone else looking at you." He winked at him "You're already so hot already." He kissed him on the lips lingering for a few seconds. I heard them giggle and Suga came back to take me to the bathroom.

20 minutes later, I was dressed in black skinny jeans with white stripes, a black shirt and a leather jacket on. I looked in the mirror. I had eyeliner on and may I admit, I looked damn fine. I smiled and walked out seeing all the guys there.
They all made comments and I heard whistles. I blushed and did a silly little spin.
"Damn Tae." J-Hope came over. "You look hot!" RapMon, Jin and Suga all nodded.
I smirked. "Well boys, lets do this!" They all hooted and howled and walked out there acting so excited. We pilled in RapMon's van and drove for about 15 minutes. Everyone hopped out and I looked at a lit up sign that blinked saying 'BOYS BOYS BOYS'
We walked up to the entrance and showed the bouncer our 'ID's'. He kept giving us a suspicious look and I started getting scared. I think he knew they were fake but let us in anyway.
It was dimly lit and there weren't a lot of people. I looked around and saw a majority amount of girls and only a couple guys. The rest of the guys sat down at a table close to a stage so I followed. Jungkook and Suga were all lovey and clingy and Jin and RapMon were acting quite close too. J-Hope went over to the bar getting a platter of drinks for us all. I felt so awkward there. I took a sip of my drink cringing at the taste. I looked over and saw Suga chugging his down and re-attaching himself to Kookie's lips. I'm not gonna lie, it's still weird seeing them together. Just then a big light shined on the stage and an announcer person started talking welcoming everyone and what not. He was talking all about the acts that came out took stripped, and went back in. A lot of people were shouting and throwing money on stage. I felt so out of place. I looked back up at the stage and my eyes nearly popped out of my head.
"Sweet Jesus." I breathed. Everyone at our table shot their heads over at me. The sight was too much to take in.

"Mr. Jimin?!" I half shouted.

Cliff hanger!
So yeah, theres some SugaKookie action in there!
Aaand, Mr. Park Jimin, is a stripper...
Thanks for feedback guys!


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