Chapter Seventeen: Denying Urges

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Chapter Seventeen: Denying Urges

                Gray Skies smiled as he and Deniah walked to the river hand in hand. It had been two days since he had admitted to her what he was and she finally seemed to be gaining her strength back. Those bruises and cuts still marred her skin but they were healing and in time they too would disappear. Gray Skies would ensure that no one ever bruised her flesh again.

                “I love doing this every morning.” Deniah said with a smile and Gray Skies squeezed her hand. They were heading to the river to do the morning prayers with the sunrise. It was something his people did every morning and Deniah had asked to take part the morning after Gray Skies had told her what he was.

                “Thank you for doing this with me, Fire Hair.”

                “Gray, I want to be by your side forever and I want you and your people to love me. I want to be one of you as much as I can be. I want to learn all I can and make you proud.”

                Gray Skies heart swelled with pride and love so deep that he was sure both emotions would be pouring from his eyes as he gazed down at her, “I could never be less than proud of you, Fire Hair. You will make a fine Cherokee Ghost.”

                Deniah smiled back up at him and he kissed her brow. It hurt his heart to know that her dream was to be accepted by his people. He did not even know if he would be welcome back after what he had done. He had chosen Deniah over them when given the choice and he had went against the laws of their people and told someone (a paleface no less) the secrets of their people. There was a good chance that if he ever returned he would be stoned to death, or at the very least shunned.

                They made it to the river and shed their moccasins. Gray Skies shed his leggings as well, leaving him clad in only his breechclout. He saw Deniah’s eyes trail across his body and instantly his blood began to heat.

                Gray Skies forced himself to push such urges aside and focus on the prayers he needed to say. He had angered the spirits enough lately; missing his prayers to satisfy his flesh would do nothing to ease their animosity.

                Gray Skies stepped into the water first, letting the cool current wash over his ankles and shins. Deniah followed closely behind him and he turned to face east while she copied his movements.

                Gray Skies began the chant, praying to the seven directions, the points, the sky, the earth and the center—the Great Spirit—the creator of man. He gave thanks for the new day and ended his chanting prayers by sticking his hands into the water and washing away the dirt.

                It was customary to remove every article of clothing and bathe yourself in the water to cleanse all bad feelings and emotions from your body but Gray Skies knew that Deniah would not wish to do that—not until she was healed and became comfortable showing him her body. Gray Skies hoped the spirits would understand and not hold such things against them.

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