Chapter 8

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You and your team took shelter in Mikey's room.

Water balloons were being hurled at the door and you began to panic.


Suddenly, Mikey grabbed you and started shaking you. "Calm down woman! BREATH WITH MEEE!" "Mikey! Stop shaking her! You're freaking her out even more!" Leonardo ordered. "What we need is a plan. Mikey, is there anything in here we can use?"

"You know it bro! I got just the thing!" Mikey then went under his bed and wiggled under there for a while until he came back out with "A pizza box?" You questioned. "Not the box! It's what's inside!" He corrected. You raise an eyebrow at the orange masked turtle before you lifted the box to see what was inside. "Moldy pizza with lint and dead bugs!" He announced. You held your nose at the stench. "Yikes! I think I'm gonna be sick!"

"Great idea! But we're gonna need more than that." Said Leo.

"I got it! What if we use that totally gross pizza as a distraction! We throw it at them aaaaaand OH! And this blanket too! That way they're like trapped and stuff and that will give us time to come up with some bigger prank to win!" You suggest. "Wow_ _ _ _, your good at coming up with plans!" Leo complimented. You blushed and smiled. "Aww really? Thank you, Leo."

"Alright, let's win this thing!" Mikey said. You and Leo turned to look at Mikey to see him without his mask and "Face paint?" Leo questioned. "Yeah dude! I'm a prank warrior! Want some?"

Both you and Leo shake your heads no. "Then let's go!"

Mikey grabbed a handful of moldy pizza ready to toss it, Leo grabbed the blanket and you grabbed the door handle. "Ready?" You asked.

"Yeah!" "Born ready!"

"GO! GO! GO!"

You threw the door open and Mikey threw the pizza at The Goongallaz and Leo held the blanket over them. "AAAAHHH! LET US OUT! THE SMELL! IT BURNS!" You laugh at their begging to be let free.

"[Name]! Hurry!" Leo chuckled. "Yeah we can't hold 'em for much longer!" Laughed Mikey. You nodded and ran into the kitchen. You grabbed a bucket and put a bunch of random stuff in it. Then you ran out and signaled your team to follow you into the sewers! They let go of the blanket and followed you quickly. Right before you left though, you snatched a pillow off the couch.

"Okay okay! What now? Once they realize we're not even in the lair they're gonna follow us in here!" Said Mikey. "What are we gonna do with all this stuff? Any ideas, _ _ _ _?" Leo asked. You froze for a moment....."W-what if...weeeeee mix all this stuff together so it smells really bad. Then we mix the soap with it so it's sticky then we hide above these pipes and dump it on them. And then, throw the feathers at them!" Mikey and Leo stare blankly at you for a moment. "Alright, dumb idea. Let think again." You say.

"No no no! That's a great idea, _ _ _ _!" Leo said. "Really?"

"Yeah girl! That idea is mondo fantastico!" Mikey cheered. "Thanks guys!" "Alright, let's get to work." Said Leo.

~A few minutes later~

Suddenly, you and the guys herd footsteps. "Oh mah gawd! They're coming!" You gasp. "Alright, Mikey, you get up there and get ready to dump the sticky stuff. and I will throw the feathers. Everyone ready?" You and Mikey nodded. "Okay let's go." He says. Then you all hide in the darkness of the sewers and wait in silence.

"Where are those dweebs! They are so in for it!" You could hear Casey talking. They were close. It was so hard for you to contain your giggles but you managed.

"You guys feel like we're being watched?" Raph asked. The team stopped.

"You guys don't think we just walked into a trap do ya?" Asked Casey.

"BOOYAKASHAAAAAA!" Mikey shouted and poured the gloppy stuff all over them.

"Aww SICK! MIKEY!" Raph shouted.

DOUBLE BOOYAKASHAA!" You and Leo shouted before ripping the pillow open and letting the pillows fly everywhere.

"Ha! In your faces Goongallaz! Prankenstiens for the win!" Mikey taunted.

You all went back to the lair to see April looking at TV. "Oh hey guys. Who won?" She asked. You tried to tell her but you just couldn't contain your laughter.

"Just wait." Leo said. A few moments passed before three brown and black feathered covered weirdoes came in.

Then everyone laughed so hard.

~At the end of the night~

April and Casey went home. Casey didn't even want to stay for the pizza. Donnie and Raph took showers and went straight to their rooms. So you Mikey and Leo got to eat the whole pizza by yourselves.

Eventually, Mikey passed out on the floor and it was just you and Leo sitting there looking at Space Heroes. Suddenly, a commercial came on. It was some product that was supposed to make 50 year olds look 30 again.

"Huh..." You say.

"What?" Leo questioned.

"Well, isn't it weird how all you wanna do as a kid is grow up but once your grown, you wanna be young again?"

"Yeah, I never really even thought of that."

You both laugh before you noticed the time. "Ah crap! I gotta get home soon!" You whined.

"Want an escort?" Leo asked with a smile. "That'd be great!" You say with a big grin.

The walk home was nice with a few jokes and laughs. "You know, you were super cool today." He said. "In the prank wars. You were like an actual leader." You blush and twirl your hair. "What? You really think so?"

"You bet! Your ideas were so cool!" "Aww! Stop it!" You smile.

"What? It's only natural for an awesome person to come up with awesome ideas." You both pause for a minute before you got to your apartment window. "You think I'm awesome?" "Yeah, _ _ _ _. I've always thought you were awesome." You smile very big. "Hug?" You ask. Leo nods and hugs you tightly before BAM! He kisses you on the lips!

After what seemed like forever, the kiss ended and you opened your eyes.

"B-but Leo, what about-" "My girlfriend? Yeah, that was you the whole time." He kissed you on the cheek on more time. "Goodnight, _ _ _ _. Love you." You blinked a few times to get yourself out of shock. "I love you too my sweet Leonardy."


For one I never thought I would write a romantic book but I had fun writing it thanks to TheScaryFangirl for telling me to write it I hope you all liked it

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