Chapter 12

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Today was honestly a nightmare.

Dave tried to keep you distracted, but nothing seemed to block out the long, burning gazes that seemed to follow you everywhere. It was lunch time, but you didn't really feel like eating. Yes, you were starving- you are always eating- but you didn't really feel like going anywhere near the lunchroom. So, you retreated to your hideout in the library.

Lord of the Rings was calling your name, so you pulled it out of your Fairy Tail messenger bag. [OMFG AT HOT TOPIC BUT IT WAS $40 AND NUUUUUUUU SO HERE READER-CHAN HAVE THIS BEAUTIFUL PRESENT FROM AUTHOR-CHAN!!!] You were somewhere around page 330-you never really new with this book. Sure, you bookmarked it, but you always had to go back and reread a bit to refresh your memory.


You glanced up and smiled at Dave, but quickly raised a finger to his mouth. "Shh, Gandalf is battling teh balrog!"

He slapped a hand over his mouth and sat down next to you. "He probably dies," Dave said, stroking his chin. "They all probably die."

"Legolas does not surrender!" You shouted, then quickly lowered your voice, realizing you were in a library.

"He dies," Dave told you.

You shook your head. "My Legolas no die. I keep my baby safe," you answered childishly.

"He dies. But should I be worried that he might steal my girl?"

You glowered at him and booped him hard on the nose. "Just shut your trap. I am reading. Do not bother a fangirl when she is reading. And more importantly, do not touch her book."

You closed it and slid it back in your bag. Then, you turned back to Dave, raising your eyebrows in a questioning manner. "What did you want?" You asked.

"I brought you a cheeseburger," Dave replied and reached into his red backpack. He returned with two cheeseburgers, both with the label Kopp's on the wrapper.

You immediately smiled. "Aw, thanks, Davey." You kissed him softly on the cheek and opened up your cheeseburger. One, extra large burger including ketchup, cheese, and pickles smushed between to buns. "How did you know?" You asked him.

"Boyfriends' instinct," he replied, smirking. You rolled your eyes.

You weren't supposed to be eating in the library. Hell, you weren't supposed to eat anywhere in the school other than the lunchroom.  "Ohmergoddddsogoooooddd," you mumbled. Of course it was. It was from Kopp's, after all.

Dave's cheeseburger did not have apples on it whatsoever- but surprise, surprise, he had gotten apple juice. Did they even have apple juice there? Or is Dave some very frequent customer and he has his own jug in their fridge? You shook it off, giving a giggle.

"Whassofunnay?" Dave asked frustratingly through a moutful of food.

"Nothing," you assured him quickly.

"Someone having dirty, perverted thoughts?"

You smacked him on the arm, going completely red like the tomato ketchup on your burger. "Damn you! And no! I am not having dirty, perverted thoughts," you growled. "Unlike you."

Dave smirked. "Maybe-"

You gave him a glare. "I swear- say another word and you might not live to finish that burger."

His eyes widened and he immediately went back to eating.

"Hey!" A librarian had spotted us. "No eating in the library!"


Shit went down.

"(F/N) (M/N) (L/N) and Dave Elizabeth Strider." Mr. English glowered at you two from behind the desk [Heh heh thought I'd throw that in there, but no, its not Jake].

"Sir, this is all my fault. It was my idea, don't punish (F/N)," Dave told the principal. "It won't happen again."

You just sat silently  in the green chair, looking down at your hands.
"I- I'm s-sorry," you stuttered nervously. "It r-really w-won't happen ag-gain."

"Damn right it won't!" He shouted. "Now, I expect to speak to both of your parents on Monday after school about this behavior! And between then and now, both of you can get weekend detention."

You looked up, eyes wide in shock. Dave was even more angry. "It really was all my fault, sir! (F/N) had nothing to do with it."

"Dave," you whispered quietly. "Just give it up." He immediately sank bank into his seat.

"Be here at 4:15, on Monday, you better be in my office with your parents," the principal repeated sternly. "And you better show up to detention."

Dave gave a small nod and stood up, offering you a hand. You gladly took it and sulked out of the office.

"(Y/N), I'm so, so sorry, I shouldn't have... I'm sorry," he tried to comfort you. You just let go of his hand and walked ahead, tears forming in your eyes.

"Hey." Dave grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to face him. "It's okay, detention isn't that bad," he said, almost laughing.

You looked up, a few tears spilling down your cheeks. "No!" You practically shouted. "No, no, no! It's not that! Dave, what happens when the school finds out that I don't live with any parents?"

Dave didn't realize it at first. "They're going to call social services. Oh, shit." He ran a hand through his hair. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Oh god, I- I shouldn't have- they'll take you away!"

You dove into Dave's arms and cried into his chest. He held you firmly, one hand in your hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Don't feel like going back to edit right now, but here! Have 910 words, and including this, its 929!

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