Letting it out

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3 days later ( skip to Friday after class)
Aug POV:
Yo boy hyped asf it's Friday nd that means no school for 3 days since Monday we off for Memorial Day, anyways I was cleaning up my classroom wen I heard a knock on the doe... Open! I yelled. In walked Jayda, she looked worried, lemme see wassup wit lil ma. I'm a teacher so I have to be concerned foe my students, right?

       Jayda POV:
It's been 3 days since me and Aug talked, and I'm starting to develope weird shit feelings I think, but ion know. So I decided to go to Mr A class after school and have a talk, you could say. I walk in and look at him with a board eraser in his hands, even when he doing random dumb shit he cute asf, WAIT ?! What am I saying he's my teacher! Ight I'm officially confused. He spoke making me forget what I was thinking bout in my head.
Wassup? He asked.
Can I sit and talk witchya for a second?
Sure sit down on in my chair, he said.
*Aug sits on his desk facing Jayda in his seat*
I've been thinking a lot lately well at least I think I've been thinking.
Aug- whatchu mean ma, just say it ?
Me- I think I like you, and when I mean like you I mean I caught mad feelins foe you, and I know this might sound weird asf and you probably thinking this little ass girl better gtfo my class with this shit but (gco) *Aug smashed his lips into Jayda's for 2 minutes*
Aug POV:
Yeah I knew what Jayda came tuh me foe, I know because I was thinking the same shit ! Don't ask why but have you seen this girl? She's amazing her personality is so mature and got me feelin right 💯 she's beautiful and she knows it, but doesn't know how to show affection, but I am willing to teach lil mama... Hol up wait pause, I'm her teacher! *Aug releases from the kiss and walks from around the desk*
Me- Jayda umm I'm sorry I ...
Jayda- Aug I gotta go home
Me- here befo yo go *hands her his number and smiles weakly*
Jayda and Aug-
"Damn what just happened?!"

TemptationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ