To be contined

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(August face when opening the door in MM above)
Aug POV:
When I opened the door I seen someone that I knew wasn't supposed to be walkin thru the doe just by a nigga common sense I knew that.... Corey wasn't supposed to be Courtney date!
"Courtney wtf you just walked into ?" I said to her letting them in.
"Aug you think she'll be mad??" She said looking a little worried.
"I mean YEAH ! That's her "Bestfriend" I said.
"What's all that noise outchea???" Jayda yelled from the other room.
Oh shit it's bout to interesting asf I thought to myself, as me, Courtney, and Corey, walked to where she was at.

Jayda POV:
As I was waiting for August to. Come back with Courtney and "new friend" I was on my IG , while I was scrolling thru my newsfeed I seen a cute couple relationship goals picture ... As I looked closer at the picture I seen it was COURTNEY AND COREY ! "oh fuck is this shit?!" I said getting up walking to the living room.
"August ! Come look what the fuck I just seen on IG ! " I said getting stopped in my tracks, I paused then dropped my phone on the floor...
"Jayda..." Courtney spoke.
"Jayda... "Corey spoke.
"Babe sit down, August said trying to grab my arm.
"Nah I'm good, I said walking upstairs.

Courtney POV:
Hey, I know yall are wondering "hold tf up, Corey ?? You go with Corey ?!" But i didn't mean for none of this shit to happen, Jayda just came into the room where we all were and stopped dead in her tracks like she seen one Duppy ! (Jamaican pronunciation of ghost) she dropped her phone and was calm while she was cussing with her words I know this is bad, she went upstairs and I know she went for her secret stash of liq 🍸so I waited a few mins so she could sip and settle down, wish me good luck yall! Cause Jayda isn't the bitch to fw

(To be continued)

Jayda POV:
    When I went into the living room, I seen what I thought was Corey then As I got closer I realized I wasn't being fucked with. Courtney really had the nerve to come to my house at couples night, with my best friend ?? Both of them got me all the way fcked up! As I was sitting on my bed, drinking Hennessy out my shifter, I heard a knock on my door I ignored it and sipped my shit.. The door opened, there stood Courtney.
"Can I come in?" She said.
I nod my head, and sip my drink.
"Listen, before you say Anything, I would like to say I never like Corey while you guys had your ups and downs, I never intended to, it's just wen you were spending your time with Aug, you forgot bout the people you started off with... Corey and I would never hurt you I just want you to know we still your best friends if you allow us to stay.
(Meanwhile downstairs)
  Aug POV:
While Jayda and Courtney did they discussion upstairs I was stuck with a nigga downstairs that from the jump never liked my fine ass.. So instead of letting this nigga stare at me and look like he got some shit tuh say I spoke.
"Is there some shit on my fucking face" I said.
"Nah you good." He spoke, going on his phone.
"Fuck wrong wit you?" I said.
"You and Jayda Together?" He said, as he forrowed his eye brows.
"Yeah that's my baby girl" I said.
"Oh.." 😐 he said.
"You and Courtney together?" I said.
"Yeah" he said.
"Oh.." I said smirking.
What this nigga need to be worrying bout instead of me and my girl relationship is him and his girl not getting cussed out tuday

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