no more lies

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the next day was Saturday and aerick had planned to meet sawyer at the peak, a small cliff area that was rarely visited in their mountain range town, he changed back to his human form before leaving the house so no one would see his horse form and so he wouldn't shock sawyer. he left the house and headed up the road to the peak, his hands were shaking and he was sweating even though it was the middle of autumn, he was terrified of how sawyer would react to his true self and the fact that he had been practically lying to her for the past year and a half that they had been dating. he reached the peak in about 20 minutes or so and saw sawyer sanding there waiting for him, "you're always right on time" he teased as he gave her a hug, "so why did you want to meet me up here? why such a deserted place?" sawyer asked , "um..about that, you see, i brought you up here to show you something" aerick said nervously as he backed away from sawyer, "can you close your eyes?" aerick asked, sawyer nodded and closed her eyes, when she opened them she saw aerick standing in front of her with the lower half of a horse.

"what, are you?" sawyer asked taking a step back away from aerick, "im sorry, ive wanted to tell you for a really long time but i needed to be sure that you would stick around for more than a year before i could share my family's biggest secret with you" aerick tried to apologize as sawyer stared at him fearfully, "and you've kept this to yourself for a year and a half!?" sawyer started to yell as tears slid down her cheeks "i thought you trusted me!" she shouted angrily, "sawyer im sorry! i know i should have told you sooner but i didn't want to lose you!"aerick pleaded "and so you lied to me!? i cant believe you!" sawyer was sobbing now, her eyes filled with rage and hurt "i thought you loved me" she said as she went to leave, aerick grabbed her wrist and with her free hand sawyer smacked him across the face making him let go of her wrist as she ran down the trail that lead to the peak. aerick knew he had messed up big time and there was no way he was getting sawyer back now, he watched her walk down the trail until he couldn't see her anymore then put on his necklace to change back to his human form and started heading home, on the way home he passed sawyers house reminding him of how badly he had screwed up. when he got home he didn't even bother telling his mom that he was home he just went to his room and flopped down on the bed,his mom stood in the doorway "it didn't go too well i take it?" she asked, aerick just sight and rolled onto his side facing away from her, "im sorry hun" she said closing his door.

aerick tried calling sawyer but it just went to voicemail so he left a message, "hey im sorry about today, i know i shouldn't have lied, and i hope that maybe we can try to work it out, so um bye" he hung up and set his phone on his dresser and sighed sadly, he didn't know what was going to happen to him and sawyer but he hoped the future would be better.

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