Chapter 6

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I CAN GO HOME!!!! I think to myself

I get in a wheel chair and the nurse pushes met to the car where my mom was waiting to pick me up...

"HEY SWEETIE!!" She yells smiling

"Hi mom I missed you!" I say back, in pain

I get in the car and there was a awkward silence...

"Sweetie I'm really sorry that I didn't come see you, I just couldn't get the strength to go in there or see you like that I really I'm sorry I hate seeing you hurt!" She says with tears coming out of her eyes

'Mom it's okay I totally understand.." I say kindly

"Oh sweetie I wish you didn't have to live like this hurt and secretly broken.." she says crying even more

Which made me cry

"I wish the same mom..." I say crying

"Sweetie promise me you won't let them hurt you anymore okay?!" She asks but yet states in a way

"I won't mom it's about time I stand up for myself!" I say firmly

She nodds and smiles 'proudly'


Its time for me to go back to school I'm still pretty sore but my ribs are not fractured anymore it still hurt alot tho...

I go take a shower and wash my hair,
I get out and brush my teeth, then blow dry my hair and straighten it, it was really long like over my butt!
I get dressed and wear baggy pants and a sweater
I don't wear any markup..

I go to my new car that my mom surprised me with during my recovery I was now 16 and could drive, it was a white jeep and the whole roof could come off! I love it so much!

In the car I say to myself..

"Chloe you are strong! You are beautiful! And you are Brave!"
I changed my attitude and went in school brave and with my head high!

I walk to my locker and.....

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