Chapter One

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I opened the door, only to be welcomed by very loud chattering and the sound of silverware falling by the kitchen. I kicked my boots to the side, chucking my coat on the rack as I made my way towards the living area, everyone wearing a sweater as they gathered by the fireplace.

I immediately spotted a head full of long, cascading, brunette waves slumped the farthest from the fireplace, brown orbs eager as she watched my sister opening the gift she had bought for her. 

It didn't take long enough before she turned around fully, facing me. She had a smile on her face as she saw me, eyes twinkling in delight and genuine happiness. But all the life and brightness plastered on her face soon faded as she saw my defeated expression.

Her eyebrows creased as she approached me, holding my shoulder, examining me carefully in the eyes. She was half a foot shorter than me, making her tilt her head up to catch a glimpse of my face. She examined my features carefully, eyes squinting, head tilting. She sighed, looking back to the group of people crowding my fireplace before turning towards me.

She tugged me towards the staircase, making a beeline to my room. I didn't bother closing the door as I forcefully slumped on the mattress, face first. I heard her close the door softly, her light footsteps coming closer. 

I felt the side of the bed dip lightly, ends of her brunette locks tickling my cheeks. "Harry, are you alright?" She asked slowly, laying down on the bed as well, facing the ceiling instead of mirroring my position.

I nodded, my voice coming out muffled as I attempted to assure her I was fine. I knew she was looking at me with that concerned expression of hers. Who wouldn't, anyway? I wasn't easy to read by majority, but it was only her who could read through me in a snap. "I know you're not fine, Haz." A short pause occurred, a moment of hesitance lingering her. "Did...did something happen?" She muttered slowly, hesitant in asking the question.

I dreaded this moment, to be honest. I didn't want to talk to anyone as of the moment. Because I know that if I spilled, I would've ended sobbing into the person's shoulder, letting all my emotions out in a blink of an eye. I turned around, mirroring her position, but looking at her side features instead of looking at the ceiling. She was looking at me as well, bottom lip slightly trembling, her eyebrows creased. "Amber and I... it's over." I said slowly, those words just sinking in now. 

I had only began to accept the fact that it is indeed true. On this very day, Amber Tresdale, the girl I had loved for two years, decided to leave me be. On Christmas Eve. I heard her gasp, eyes widening, mouth agape. I chuckled bitterly, "That was my exact expression when she spilled it." I said, huffing.

She shook her head, "Harry, you have got to be kidding me. Bloody hell, you guys are inseparable!-"

"-were, Em. We were inseparable. Two peas in a pod, remember?" I stated, watching as a flashback entered my mind. I shook it off my head, seeing the sad and disappointed expression on her face as she pondered over the thought.

I wasn't lying, though. Me and Amber were inseparable. Heck, we wouldn't pass a day without seeing each other. I broke off from my thoughts as I felt a hand lay on top of mine, my attention diverting to Emily, "You know you'll get through this, right?" She asks, a small smile on her face.

I smiled at her, pinching her cheek slightly, knowing all too well she hated me for that, "Of course I'll get through it. You're here anyway." I tell her honestly, eyes lingering on hers. She looked away, averting her gaze to the ceiling.

We laid in a comfortable silence, the noise from downstairs being blocked by the soundproof walls I had in my room, "Look on the bright side, Haz! I can be your wingwoman!" She said suddenly, spreading her arms out in action as I chuckled at the sight.

"Em, I don't think you're suited for the job." I shook my head, chuckling lightly at her pouting face. "Oh, c'mon, Haz! Look at it, I can finally choose the right girl for you!" She said cheerily, slapping my shoulder in encouragement.

"I don't think I'm gonna look for a girl for a while..." I trail off, my voice fading. She had her thinking face on, a cheeky grin on her face. It always made me wonder if I had influenced her on the cheeky grin since I always had mine on.

"How about a guy?" She asked slowly, her face serious. I propped my elbows up in shock, mouth agape at her rhetorical suggestion. I slapped her on the shoulder as well, watching her erupt into fits of laughter.

"Emily Grayson, I am not gay!" I said defensively, laying back on my previous position. She was still laughing uncontrollably, not being able to stay still in one position.

She calmed down the slightest bit, beaming at me, "Who ever said you were gay? You insisted on that, not me." She shrugged nonchalantly, making me slap her once more, watching her giggle lightly.

We both lay down on the bed once more, our heavy breathing engulfing our comfortable silence. I couldn't help but overthink about my situation with Amber at the moment. She was gone. She chose to leave me alone just because she thinks I had changed.

"Do you think I changed, Em?" I asked, facing her as she had a questioning look on her face. She shook her head, examining me, "You're still the same Harry I know." She shrugs, full lips pouting in curiosity.

"Wait..." She started, contemplating on the right words to say. "Is that the reason why... she left you?" She asks slowly, hoping she didn't hit a pressure point in her question. I nodded slowly, embarassment filling me.

She clicked her tongue, shaking her head rapidly, "You haven't even changed, Harry! How could she say that?" She says, her tone rising slightly. I shrugged, not being able to answer her rhetorical question.

She grunted in annoyance, glaring at the ceiling. I simply stared, thinking about the weird things that has happened this year. "It's a strange world, isn't it?" I muttered, looking over to the window at the side. Snowflakes engulfed the glass, causing it to moisten a bit.

She sighed, "The strangest." She said, looking over to the window as well. We continued looking at the window, watching some snowflakes melt the slightest bit, turning into small little freckles on my window.

It was a temporary silence before we jumped at the sudden banging on my door, "Harry! Emily! Are you guys there? Dammit, don't do it on Christmas Eve! It's immoral! Don't forget to use protection!" Our eyes widened at the words being held out by my very own older sister.

Emily covered her mouth in shock, the words sinking in slowly, making our cheeks flush. I came to a theory that Gemma, and probably the other guests are already in a drunken state. But seriously, though. Why the heck would Gemma think we were doing it? 

Then again, drunk Gemma is always unpredictable. 

~Chapter End~ 

I know, it's very short sigh. But I'm going to continue doing chapter two tomorrow, since it's already past one in the morning already lmao. 

Picture of Emily Grayson at the side! To be portrayed by the lovely Lily Collins! :D

Please leave a comment about what you think of this chapter! Will update tomorrow! Don't forget to leave a vote as well! You could hit the follow button in my profile xP 

Love you all!

Sofie! :)

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