Chapter Twenty-Four

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Our grins were apparent as we held on each other, our breath ragged after the prolonged kiss. I was completely and utterly speechless, not sure how to react after what had happened. I just kissed my best friend. No, scratch that. Ex-best friend. No, wait. Scratch that as well. I don't know how to label ourselves after that.

He looked at me with so much passion, I could feel it radiating off his body. His grin was as wide as it can ever be, mirroring mine as he held onto my hips, securing me in place on the ledge of the rooftop. Our foreheads still pressed together, a frown suddenly creased my face as reality hit me faster than a bullet train.

I pulled away from him, prying off his grip on me, stumbling down the ledge as I headed towards the staircase. He reacted immediately, yanking me back to him, "Hey, what's wrong?" He spoke softly, the prominent grin on his face moments ago faded away. I looked at him, worried about the whole situation.

"I can't do this, Harry. Not when Amber's clearly still on your mind." I said, the tears coming back as reality stung painfully. I was so lost in our kiss and the happiness overcoming me that I've forgotten completely why I'd grown mad on Harry. I forgot I walked in on him almost kissing Amber. I forgot everything he's done to me.

I yanked off his grip once more, scurrying once more, running towards the stairs immediately. I could feel Harry hot on my trails, causing me to skip steps and heading towards the main lobby. I couldn't face him, not now. Not after what happened. Why the hell did this have to happen? I gave in to him once more. And I hated myself for doing that.

About to exit the building, I felt his grip on my hand, entwining with my fingers quickly as he pulled me back to him, hugging me quickly. That's when I lost it. I let all the tears out, sobbing and bawling as I held onto him like it was the only way to survive in the cruel world. His arms wrapped around my waist, my arms wrapped around his neck as I nuzzled my face on his chest, his hand rubbing soothing circles on the small of my back.

Tears kept rolling down my cheeks for a few minutes, feeling the pain somehow lifting away from me as he whispered soothing words to me - and like always, it calmed me down. My heart rate gradually decreased back to its normal state, my hold on him not so tight anymore. I pulled away from the hug, watching Harry close his eyes as he leaned his forehead on mine.

"I know things are hard right now, but I promise you I'll fix this. I promise you I'll do my best to protect you." He said repeatedly, his eyes close shut, but I could easily detect his sincerity at the sound of his voice. I closed my eyes as well, our foreheads pressed together as he pecked my lips, the tingling feeling still lingering as he pulled away.

I looked up at him, chewing on my bottom lip in uncertainty. He smiled at me, "Are you alright, now?" He asked sweetly, caressing my cheek carefully, acting as if doing a wrong move would cause everything crumbling down. I smiled at him, "I'm alright, now." I said, and with that, he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Good, because I'd like to go back up because they're showing reruns of How I Met Your Mother and you know how badly I love that show." He exasperated, heaving a sigh dramatically, causing me to laugh. He dragged me back to the lift, tapping the button to his floor, waiting for the doors to close.

I couldn't help but keep the smile on my face as we waited for the lift to stop at his floor, walking out abruptly as we walked briskly backed to his flat, his arm still wrapped around my waist. I couldn't describe the butterflies rumbling in my stomach as we entered the flat in a whole new different aura - a lot better, in fact.

We plopped on the couch, the breeze coming from the open balcony causing the curtains to sway slightly. I shrugged off my coat, chucking it on the other sofa just before Harry turned on the teli. He was eager to watch the reruns of How I Met Your Mother. Barney was his favorite character. I couldn't blame him, though. Barney was absolutely amazing, not to mention he was played by Neil Patrick Harris.

But I grew curious as I observed Harry not paying any attention to the hit comedy show, his mind afloat as he stared blankly on the teli screen. My eyebrows quirked as I spoke, "Hey, are you alright?" I ask softly, his attention diverting towards me, looking at me carefully as a grin slowly tugs on his lips.

He shook his head, the sheepish grin still evident on his face as I grew even more curious, "Harry," I persuaded, giving him a look. He shook his head, amused at my reaction as he looked at me carefully.

"I just can't believe what happened a few minutes ago." He said, amazement threading the tone in his voice. I looked at him, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks as I gave him a shy grin, twiddling with my thumbs, "Yeah," I spoke, breathless.

He looked at me once more, a serious look taking over his sheepish grin, "When did you.. um, start having feelings for... me?" He sputtered, looking at me with a nervous look. When he asked me about it, that was the only time I wondered when I started having such feelings.

Moments of silence lingered around us as I thought of a good explanation for him when my phone blared in my trenchcoat, making me reach in the pockets and go to the balcony as I answered the call. Shuffling was what I heard first when a voice rang out, my heart thumping loudly at the tone, "Emily, where are you?" He asked.

I grew curious, leaning on the railings as the strong wind passed by, "At Harry's, why?" I asked, not sure of how he would react at the mention of Harry's name. Silence engulfed us for several seconds before he recomposed himself over the line.

"Well, you have to go back here because I just got important news." He said sternly, like he wouldn't take no for an answer. I gulped, gripping the railings tightly as I responded, "What's it about?" I asked slowly, completely oblivious to the next words sputtering from his mouth.

"The police found the person who stabbed you." 

~Chapter End~ 

this is a filler chapter i swear i dont even know this is like one page i feel ashamed 

anyways, i dont think this is worth voting or commenting but it has a cliffhanger???? anyways, i love you all and i promise i wil make the last six chapters the best chapters okay?


So, guys. If you've been stalking my account, you can see that I changed the title and cover of "Sixty Days With You." to "Letters For Her." As you can see as well, I changed the plot. [sort of]. Well, the thing is I might not make that my second fanfic as the plot and title are still undecided. But the thing is, I might make my Niall Fan Fiction after this, so stay tuned!

By the way, can you guys give me any good titles based on the plot of "Letters For Her." as of the moment? I'll dedicate two chapters for you if you give the best one you can think of!!

PS dont ignore this request i need it so badly okay

ily all


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