Part 2

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# Pic is of Dimitri #

Dimitri Corvette POV

"What do you want now Barbra" I was so aggravated. This dumbass bitch is taking away time from Ashley and I 's 'fun time'.

"Oh shut up, I need you to show this cutie around. He has the same schedule as you and is in all of your classes. This is a chance for redeeming yourself, especially after last year's stunt." Barbra nagged away.

Cutie?  I thought. I looked around the room and sure enough I made eye contact with a really, really cute girl. She had beautiful green eyes, soft pink lips, short shaggy light brown hair, and was really skinny and short. She had a skater type look to her. But the most appealing was her eyes. She had long thick eye lashes that really made the green pop out. I think I might have fallen in love.

"Jasper this dumb idiot is Dimitri, Dimitri this is Jasper. Please be kind to him."

...Him...Him...she is a he...

"What?! That's a guy?! I thought he was a girl!" I yelled angrily, which caused him to flinch and her to scowl at me.

'Why is he so cute!' I almost blurted out after seeing him flinch.

"Oh shut up you dirty kid. Just do what I told you or else."

"Or else what." I angrily challenged.

"I'll kick you off the football team."

My face went white. Could she do that? I defiantly don't want to find out.

I nodded my head then looked at him motioning to follow. He hesitated but started to come to me so he could follow. Once I deemed we were far enough, I slammed him into some lockers.

"Don't follow me and don't you dare tell a soul about this to anyone or ill make your life a living hell." I said after punching the locker next to his head causing a dent. He was wide eyed and shacking out of fear.

"O-okay." He cutely shuddered out. He voice was so quiet and cute.

"Stop that!" I yelled. He flinched again.

"S-s-st-stop what." He asked slightly whimpering.

"Stop being cute!" I yelled again. His face reddened.

After my little outburst, I had walked away from him.

I feel so weird. Was I gay for him? No I have Ashley. Ashley, she wasn't as cute as Jas- No!!! Stop it, Dimi, just stop thinking about him! Maybe so boring class will help... Wait we had the same classes. Goddamn it! Why me! Ok, just calm down.

I slammed open the classroom door, scaring the living shit out of everyone.

"Babe what's wrong?" Ashley asked.

"Nothing!" I snapped at her. For some reason she didn't seem attractive to me anymore. She looked... like a fucking slut, gross.

" Don't get mad at me, I was only trying to understand what is wrong with you." She pouted.

"Ashley, I don't like you anymore. I'm breaking up with you." I said very sternly.

"Why?!" she screeched out.

"Because you're a fucking whore, you are selfish, you are a narcissist, you are stupid, and you are so fucking annoying." I yelled.

Just then the door slowly opened. It was Jasper. He looked up and instantly became afraid.

"This is over." I grunted out angrily to Ashley.

I turned on my heals and walked out of the classroom, grabbing Jasper. I dragged him all the way to my pick up truck. I shoved him into the passenger seat, then made my way to my side. Quickly I pulled out and drove out of the parking lot.

"Where do you live?" I asked now a little calmer.

"Down this road. " whispered

"Are your parents home."

"I live alone."

I looked over to see him frowning sadly. I didn't ask anymore questions.

"Turn left and it is the last house to the right."

I pulled up into the driveway and parked. I got out and then ran to his side and opened the door for him. Slowly he got out and walked to the house door pulling out his keys. when he finally opened the door, I rushed us in. Smoothly I took my shoes off and went straight to the living room liked I owned this place.

"Would you like something to drink?" Jasper asked politely.

"No. Come here and sit down next to me." I demanded. He quickly walked over and sat next to me.

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