| chapter 7 |

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||Ethan's POV||

I felt vulnerable letting all these feelings spill out to her, I felt like she didn't feel the same way and I just waited for her to say those three little words that mean everything to a person. How could words mean so much?

I got what I was waiting for.

"I love you."

She stared at me straight in the eye when she said it. It sent shivers down my body. Now I am even more determined to get us out of this so I can continue this relationship with Bree.

"Oh god, it feels so nice to hear those words." Let out I breath I was holding. She just smiled.

"I love you." She said, "I don't care that I'm only 16, maybe this is real, maybe this isn't but I'm willing to see where this goes."

"Yeah it won't hurt anybody, right?" I wondered out loud.

||Bree's POV||

Oh Ethan, poor guy, doesn't know the first thing about love.

"It sure won't." I said with a smile.

I pressed my lips against his and he smiled into the kiss.

I pulled away and Ethan wrapped his arms around me and I cuddled into his chest and felt safe and loved for the first time in a while. I watched as Ethan drifted off to sleep.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard footsteps scuffling around and grunts. I was wondering what it might be when I felt cold hands wrap around my body. I tried to scream but another hand clamped over my mouth. I was dragged out of Ethan's arms to who knows where.

||Ethan's POV||

When I woke up Bree was nowhere to be seen. I checked around for her. Nothing.

Where could she be??

"Bree??" I whispered so I didn't wake everyone up.

I heard something ringing in the room. I looked for what the sound was coming from and it was coming from a computer!! I opened the computer and it opened up FaceTime.

"Heeeeeello Ethan!" A voice said. I couldn't see who it was.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"Not what I want, it's what you want." The voice said. The room on the screen lit up.

"BREE!!" I screamed into the computer, waking everybody up. I saw Bree tied to a chair with i blindfold and a gag on. It killed me seeing her like this.

A look of pure horror and fear overcame her face. I couldn't see what she was so afraid of. Then there it was.

Well I shouldn't say it. I should say he.

And there he was.


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