| c h a p t e r 9 |

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||Bree's POV||

"The only way you're getting out of here is in a body bag," Jesse warns. My head snaps in the direction of his voice but he isn't there. 

"Where are you!" I scream, "Show yourself you coward!" 

"Who are you calling a coward? I am NOT A COWARD!" Jesse yells over the intercom.

"But you see that's where you're wrong," Ethan chimes in.

"I AM NEVER WRONG!" His voice booms over the intercom. I look at Ethan to see if he has a plan or if we're just stalling.

"You see, you are wrong. Your whole plan is backfiring," Ethan calmly says. 

"Ethan is there something you would like to tell me?" I whisper to him.

"The others, they have the real poison. They are going to kill him," He whispers back.

"MY PLANS NEVER BACK-" He was cut off by the sound of people yelling and a disturbing gurgling sound. 

"HE'S DEAD GUYS! HE'S DEAD OHMYGOSHHHHHHHH!! HAH SUCK IT JESSE! SUCK. IT." Lenny's voice boomed over the intercom.

"YES!" I cried. Ethan picked me up and spun me around and kissed me.

Suddenly all the lights turn on and the doors unlock.

"The doors!! They're unlocked!!!" Ethan says and he turns around and runs out the door with me still in his arms. 

"Where's the exit?" I ask as Ethan is just running wherever.

"I don't know that's what I'm trying to find!" He pants. 

"There!" I say and point to a particularly large door to what seems has an even brighter light on the other side. He carries me to the door and pushes it open. The cool feeling of rain hits us as we step out into the night. 

"Oh my god." I croak, "We did it." I feel something running down my leg and when I look down my whole leg is covered in blood.

"Bree.." Ethan trails off looking at my leg. 

"It's fine, we have to get home. We have to!" I'm frantically trying to get out of Ethan's arms but his grip tightens.

"You're not okay. Your leg is bleeding really bad. I think he hit a major artery when he did this to you." Ethan looks me dead in the face. "We don't have any time, we have to do something now or you're going to die."

He sets me on the ground and I instantly feel dizzy. The blood pool that I'm sitting in is getting larger. "Ethan.." I manage to say, "I think I'm bleeding out." 

The world starts spinning and I'm staring at Ethan as the world spins around him. He's saying something but his words are muffled by the sound of my blood pumping in my ears. My head is getting heavier and heavier. Finally, I can't hold it up anymore and I fall to the ground.

----------------------------------------- a/n

sorry this one is shorter i'm trying to get back into the groove of things. anyways i hope you guys liked it!!! see you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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