Chapter 2- Boy With A Funny Voice

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I wake up with Delilah's arms around my waist. I yawn and saw her eyes open up. Of course, it's bright outside. We are both not morning people. We are night owls by far.

I hear a very light knock on my door, knowing it's my little sister. "Katie, baby girl come here!" I say but my voice cracks. She opens my door and runs up to my bed.

Delilah helps her up and she crawls to the middle of Delilah and I and lays down. "Do you want under the covers?" I ask. Katie nods her head and I get the duvet from under her butt and then pull it over her little 3 year old body.

I also have a 13 year old brother. His name is Terren. I feel bad for him and make as much time as I can for him. He's always getting bullied at school.

Katie suddenly gasped as she remembers something. "Deli! (Del-I) how's mr. Hoppy?" She says very loudly.

"Uh, good." She says. Mr. Hoppy is the frog that Katie found in Delilah's pond. I can tell that Delilah doesn't actually know, so I giggle and she glares at me.

"Hey baby get up and go get Terren, ask if he wants to go to the park." She yelled ok and hopped off of the bed. I sigh and kiss Delilah.

I get up from bed, just in a tank top and underwear and she laughs at me. "Hey sexy!" She says winking at me. I roll my eyes and go to my dresser pulling out a pair of dark purple skinny jeans that are ripped all the way down both legs.

I slipped them on and took off my tank top then slipped my new bra on and a PINK sports bra over top. Just then Katie ran back into my room.

"What did Terren say?" I ask. She shakes her head, her brown hair moving side to side. I grab an Everclear band shirt and walk over to Katie.

I pick her up and bring her to and set her on my bed. Once she starts to blab on to Delilah I make my way over to Terren's room. I knock softly and the door opens.

I walk in and close the door behind me, making my way to his bed that has batman sheets on it. "Hey." I say quietly.

I move his blanket a little bit so I could now see his face. His eyes red and puffy again, his dyed black hair matted to his forehead.

He scoots back to his wall and I lay down in front of him, stroking his cheek. "What's wrong?" I whisper looking him in the eyes.

He shook his head and closed his eyes, a tear falling from them. This actually happened often, it used to happen to Logan to.

"H-he broke up with me." He chokes on his own words. More tears falling from his eyes.

"Oh baby." I sigh and give him a tight hug he sweater pawed his jacket and cried into my shoulder. I hated seeing him like this, I can't stand it.

As I hugged him I pull away and grab his arm. He hesitates at first but I pull up his sleeve.

"I'm proud of you." I sigh. He hasn't cut, he scratched at his wrist making raw and gave himself 2 bruises. But I'm proud of him.

"Now get up. We're going to go get you a new boy." I smile and he slowly gets out of bed. He slightly smiles and walks into his bathroom.

"Logan!" I yell.

Logan comes out of his room in boxers and I look away. "We are going to the park soon." I say, then turn, my back facing to him.

I walk back into my room and see that Katie is helping Delilah get ready. "Kids! I'm leaving!" I hear. I run downstairs really quick and had my dad the lunch I made to him and kiss him on the cheek with an 'I love you' added to it.

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