Chapter 4- Oh No

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The movie starts playing and I cuddle into my batman blanket on the couch with Michael on the other side of it.

I put in The Strangers because the boys wanted a scary movie. I start to shake and try hard to keep my eyes on the screen. I cuddle closer into the blanket and see Calum and Delilah sitting on the other couch.

The person gets in tbe house and the creepy music plays. I quickly hide my face under the blanket and cover my ears. I hate this movie.

I feel two large arms wrap around my body and I jump. "Shh its just me." Michael states.

I shake because I can hear what's going on in the movie. He leans back and takes me with him so im laying on top of him. I hug is warm body and lay my head on his chest.

Michael brings his hand up to my hair trying to calm me down. My eyes get droopy and I yawn. He found my weakness, playing with my hair. It was 9 now I let myself doze off in Michael's arm.

I wake up to a loud noise. I jump and realize Michael is right underneath me. I blush and calm down to see that the movie was still on.

"I need some water." I whisper as I get off Michael's lap and he gets up behind me. I go to the bar and grab a bottle of water.

Michael smiles at me awkwardly and I offer him a beer. He doesn't take it and I shrug. "So there's a party next Friday. Want to come?"

Michael nods, "Sure why not." I smile and Delilah comes in the kitchen and wraps her arms around my waist.

"The other boys said they'd come to the party." I nod at her and take a sip of my water.

I grab my battery from my vape and put it in. Taking a hit I get a wave of dizziness and almost fall. Delilah hugs her arms around my waist tighter making sure I don't fall. "You okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine."


I hug all the boys and they get in the car and leave. I sighed and walk into the kitchen. "We going to the store today?" Terren asks. I nod my head and rub my eyes again.

My dad puts a plate of pancakes in front of me, I'm not hungry. He gives me a look and I take a bite. After another. And get full.

Yes full, I take another one and can barely get it down. I push the plate away and go up to my room.

I don't want this again. Not again.

Delilah quickly follows me and sits on my bed. I lay down and cover my face with a pillow. "When are you leaving?" I mumble.

"About that." She says quietly. I remove the pillow and sit up and raise one eyebrow at her.

"On Thursday morning. And I think that we need to talk."

My eyes get watery and I wipe the tear. She hugs me and I just sit there. "I only want what's best for you and I think we need to break up." I nod my head and she gets up. Grabbing the stuff out of my room.

I cant take this right now. I put on my boots and run out of my room. Not caring that its starting to rain. I storm downstairs my family looking at me and I open and slam the front door shut.

Tears running down my face and a stab in the heart I run to the barn. I throw the saddle pad over my horse after I put the bridal on.

I grab my western saddle and throw that his back. Quickly sinching it tight and unlocking the gate. I swing the gate open and put my foot in the stirrup.

Swinging my body over I sigh and kick him slightly. Bolting down the street out of sight of my house of my family.  I have my phone I can feel the vibration of people calling me. But never have I not cared so much.

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