Chapter 3- They're Here!

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I yawn and clench my eyes shut because it's so bright out. Suddenly Katie runs into my room and jumps on me. I groan and hold my chest because there's an unbearable pain.

"Katie get off!" I yell.

She jumps off the bed and says. "Those boys are coming today." I nod my head and point at the door for her to get out.

I walk to my bathroom and grab some painkillers to make the pain go away when I smell food downstairs.

I make my way down and get a text from Calum.

Cal-Pal: What's your address??? Is it cool if we come around 6?

Me: Thts fine just txt me when ur on ur way

I sit on the bar stool and sent Calum my address. Logan smiles at me as he makes us eggs. "Morning sleepy head." I smile and my dad and mom walk up to me.

As I yawn they say, "So sweetie Logan is going to take you in on Sunday alright? It's gonna be okay." I smile as they both kiss me on the top of the head and leave out the front door for work.

Terren comes down in his boxers and Sleeping with Sirens sweat shirt and walks over to me.

"You better?" He says rubbing his eyes and with his raspy morning voice. I nod my head and he leans against me as I pull him into a hug.

I sniff the air and look at Logan. "What's burning?" I ask. He jumps to the oven and pulled out bacon that was in there just as Katie sits next to me.

"Logan! You burnt my bacon!" She yells.

"No, it's still soft like you like it." He responds.

"That's not soft! That's burnt!" She screams at him and I laugh just as my phone rings.

Before I can do anything Katie answers it. "Hello?" She says.

"Oh hi!"

"She's right here."

"Logan burnt my bacon!"

"He's a poopy butt."

"Yeah you can. I wuv you bye." Is what I hear. She hands me the phone and I put it up to my ear.

"Hey!" Says the one and only voice I know that's harmony to my ears.

"Hi babe," I say "what's up?"

"Just wondering if i can still come over just kidding I'm coming over no matter what." She giggles and I grab a piece of bacon from the tray.

"Only if you-"

"Yeah yeah I'm getting you coffee, bye I love you." She says before I could say anything she hung up.

"Hey where's Bryce?" I ask while looking over to the living room finding him asleep. I smirk and grab a washable marker and walk over to a sleeping Bryce.

He's a really heavy sleeper so first I draw a dick on his cheek, next I draw him a Hitler mustache and a little beard.

I quietly laugh and walk back in the kitchen to hear Delilah's car pull up. I run outside and she gets out of the car she's wearing yellow skinny jeans, a pink beanie, and my brothers baseball sweat shirt that she stole.

Before she has time to grab the coffee I jump into her arms and wrap my legs around her pressing my lips onto hers. She puts her hands on my ass to support me and we kiss passionately.

She puts me on the hood of her electric blue 78' Camero. The kiss depens a little bit more when I pull back and she gives me a worried look.

"I want my coffee." I say simply. She rolls her eyes and giggles and gets the 3 coffee's out of the other seat. I grab mine and she grabs hers and we take the other inside for Terren.

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