Chapter 9- Cannabis

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"Fuck," I mumble to myself as I burn my thumb with the pink lighter I have in my right hand. I'm in my room all alone. I shake my hand off pretending I didn't just get burnt and I put the glass pipe back to my mouth and light the green that is still there.

I take in a breath and feel a blast of relief back in me. This is my escape, I mean, when I'm sad. I can never be sad and stoned at the same time. "Dammit!" I scream.

I drop some of the bud on my bed and I hear distorted poundings coming up the stairs. I pick it up off the bed and groan, putting it back in the pipe. Terren opens the door and I give him a huge smile and I try to open my eyes wide, of course it isn't working.

"What'd you do?" He asks.

"My weed," Terren groans at my troubles and sits on my bed.

"Why are you smoking again?" I cock my head to the side and giggle as he speaks.

"Well, I was sad about that song."

"What song?"

Very loudly I start singing with the wrong pitches, "Hey there Delilah what's it like in-" I stop to think of the next word and laugh as he looks at me. I put my pipe on my night stand and look at him while slowly crawling toward him.

I place my forehead against his and open my eyes. "How bloodshot are they?" Terren rolls his eyes and smiles.

"You look higher than a kite." I fall back onto my bed and laugh.

"Did you know, that marijuana can cure cancer?" I stare up at my ceiling and put my hands on my face.

"Yup," Terren lets out with a sigh, "but--"

I interrupt him, "Did you know I have cancer?"

Terren sighs again, "Yes, actually. I did know that." I giggle and roll onto my s my side so I can grab my phone. I decide to text Michael.

Me: Heyyyyyy you still down for that partay tonightttt?? ;))

Mikey: Yeah mate. What time u want me over?

Me: anyyyyyytimeeeeeeeee

Mikey: okayy :)

I smile at my phone and toss it next to me. "Okay, Terren get out. I'm going to get dressed and you're my brother so that's weird, ok?" Terren gets out of my room and I hop out of my bed. I start to get a feeling that I'm going to fall so I sit back down. "Well fuck a duck."

I get up again, this time remaining my balance. I go to my dresser and grab out a pair of black skinny jeans with some holes in them. I throw them onto my bed and grab a random shirt out of my dresser. It's a Soundgarden shirt. I already put on a bra and underwear earlier so I don't worry about that.

After I grab a random pair of socks I walk over to my bed and take my shirt off. I struggle to find the difference between neck and arm holes of my shirt, but finally get it on. After that I take off my shorts and throw them across the room. I can hear more than one pair footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Help!" I scream as I can't figure out what leg goes in which hole. Calum walks into my room and sees me on the floor.

"Uhm, what is going on?" I look at Calum and giggle as the other boys file in my room.

"Is that weed?" Ashton says pointing at my nightstand.

"Did you know that it has many names? Cannabis, Dope, Weed, Pot, Marijuana, Haze, Hemp, Gateway Drug, the Devil's Lettuce," I start to laugh uncontrollably. "That is so funny!" The boys look at me with a weird face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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