Chapter 4

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3 weeks later

I Was Currently In Chicago, where I was originally from.

My grandparents thought my mom was an unfit parent to raise me atm , and they demanded her to get help.. And sadly .. I couldn't be there to take care of my mom

I wasn't the kind of child to cry, because I never did. I mean.. Stuff happens there's nothing I can do about it ( My attitude at that age )

I guess my grandparents were at the mindset that I didn't care , so they left me alone. Which was fine with me.

I did miss St.Louis though.. I wish I was sitting by the lake , picking up random rocks and just thinking.. Forgetting about the world and my surroundings. But sadly I was in this ghetto neighborhood in the middle of Chicago.

I wanted to run away.. But I really didn't know where to go .. And I didn't know my way around Chicago like I knew my way around St.Louis ..

You could say I was depressed.. I thought of myself as that way also.. Just never had the guts to actually admit it

I just wanna go home.....

short but idc ._. Like/comment

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