Chapter 6..

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I decided to give you guys a quick update before I leave to go out of town v.v.. That means no more updating after this week. Enjoy tho c:

Myanna's POV

I was currently in the room with my mom.. We were watching a movie called precious , and I think my mom really enjoyed that movie because we watched it almost every time .

Although I was a little young to be watching this movie, my mom never hid anything from me. She was very blunt. I think I get that from her. She spoke what was on her mind. And when I asked her sexual stuff. She answered truthfully.

I loved my mom , and how real she was with me. I loved how she was outspoken and open minded .

We were okay... For now... Until my mom got a phone call that late one night ....

My great grandmother was in the hospital... On death rode ..

Better known as my bestfriend..

While I was in St.Louis she would call me all the time to see how I was doing and how my grades were. She showed me during Christmas and Thanksgiving how to cook meals.. And she would listen to me about my problems... Now she was on death rode.. Close to dying..

My mom was on the phone with my grandmother for awhile before my mom decided that tmr we would go to the hospital to see her.

All I could do was silently cry..

-the next day -

Me and my mom woke up early to go to Chicago. They were sure my great grandmother was gonna die. It was no discussion. My mom knew that my great grandmother was my bestfriend And she knew I would want to say goodbye.

I couldn't stop crying with everything in me.. I was losing my best friend .. And I couldn't do anything about it .

My mom was packing the car up until my mom got a call from my grandmother. It was close to saying our goodbyes ...

Me and my mom quickly got in the car ... Silently. She didn't really know what to say to me. And I didn't really know what to say to her.

~2 hours later ~

My mom thought it was best if I didn't see her.. But I did get to talk to her otp.. She told me she really did love me.. And whatever happens to always keep my head up. We had a small convo before she had to leave...... I just sat there and cried...

~12am Monday morning ~

I was woken up with from my mom.. She had tears in her eyes and when she said those words to me my whole world collapsed ..

My best friend... My great grandmother was gone.....

I didn't get to edit sorry. Very busy. Like/comment

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