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Highschool. It really is an intimidating word for you. See, after moving to somewhere where you felt comfortable you were up and packing boxes again, not even near as prepared as everyone else. Now you were staring down two massive doors and waiting for the bells to signify that your time avoiding all of this was dripping down to a measly end. You looked around the school yards, seeing absolutely no one that you would even like to hang out, but it isn't like they'd want to hang out with you anyways. You are the "new girl", and that isn't really something people found very flattering. A fragile sigh escaped your lips and melted into the air, giving a gentle kiss to the atmosphere. You didn't ask for this. You didn't want all of your friends to disappear, and you would have never imagined you'd be standing here in such a foreign place. 


You heard a female voice call out directly to you.

Your attention shifted from the intimidating doors over to a girl with blonde hair and thick frame glasses that shielded her gleaming blue orbs. 

"You must be (y/n)! Madison told me a lot about you!" 

Your thoughts became illuminated with sudden flashbacks of your friend Madison. At the time her presence was surely taken for granted, but man were you regretting it right about now. Madison, however, had a cousin that just happened to be going to that same exact high school. A smile took over your once gloomy features and you finally realized that you weren't exactly going into this alone. You reached out a shaky hand, offering your full attention the first person who decided to reach out to you. 

"It is my pleasure to meet you, Veronica. I have heard quite a bit about you myself." You said humbly.

Your smile was suddenly replaced by confusion as you saw another form approach. Your heart began to rush against your chest, playing a tune like the beat of a drum. The figure you saw surely wasn't human, he was like nothing you had ever seen.

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT?!" He yelled at you, defending himself like a prey would against their hungry predator.

You only stood there shocked by his pale grey skin and the nubby horns protruding outward from a tuft of black hair. What surprised you even more was the fact that Veronica didn't even seem phased by his presence. A giggle escaped her plump, peachy lips as she took hint of what you were thinking.

"Ah, this is Karkat. See, after his kind were brought here the school board thought it would help if they had a safe learning environment." 

All of the chattering came to a stop as three dings were audible. You looked to your schedule, holding onto the piece of paper as if your life had depended on it. 

"Y-You guys," you shyly stammered out,"Do you have a clue where language arts is?" 

Veronica gave a small smile, getting more than just one laugh out of your struggle.

"Karkat has language arts next, how about you go together?"

You looked to Karkat who only gave a scowl, seemingly against the idea. Either way, it didn't matter to you what that grump thought, you only cared if you got to class or not. You forcefully grasped the troll's hand and gave him a cheeky smile. 

"We're going to Language Arts whether you approve or not." 

Karkat gave a growl but slowly backed down as he realized, he really didn't have much of  a choice.

((TIME SKIP .V./))

You grabbed a tray and looked at the array of foods in front of you. None of the seemed appealing, just a bunch of mush that was presented as something edible. You scanned the piles of food, looking for something that would actually tickle your fancy, but really the only good thing was the chicken nuggets. You sighed, grabbing onto the bland food and piling it onto your tray. After paying you found yourself searching endlessly for a table. The cafeteria was quite busy with all of the hustle and bustle going on, but you still found one lonely grump sitting at a table by himself. You sat down next to him and gave him a smile, hoping that maybe he would warm up to you somehow. After a few seconds of sitting there, munching on the tasteless nuggets you noticed something off about Karkat. You then grabbed at the sleeve of his sweater and gave a light tug. After a few pulls he turned to you, eyebrows furrowed and crimson tinted tears running down his face.

Karkat x Reader x Yandere! KankriWhere stories live. Discover now