Between The Lines of Love and Hate

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You giggled into Karkat's chest as you sat outside the school, waiting for his brother. The time seemed to fly after you had started being in a serious matespritship with Karkat and everything else seemed to fall in place. You would have never guessed that you'd get a boyfriend on your literal second day of school, and you probably never would have been able to foresee your only friend becoming your worst enemy within 24 hours. After what that witch Veronica did, however, Karkat was there for you to laugh it off and help you realize how dumb the female truly is. Sure, it didn't feel right mocking someone, but with Karkat you felt like a completely different person. You sighed as you snuggled into Karkat's form, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. He then returned your gesture by stroking your soft (h/c) locks and taking in your scent, protecting you with his warm presence. In his arms you felt safe, even though nothing would be able to protect you from what was to come. 

"I find it quite triggering that y9u w9uldn't take my feelings int9 acc9unt." Kankri called, as he peered down at the two of you, who were too busy smuggling each other in love. 

You took notice to the sudden scowl that had taken surface on Kankri's face, but quickly dismissed it, knowing that his approval wasn't needed for your happiness. 

"NOBODY ASKED YOU FUCKASS!" Karkat yelled, seeming more angered when his relationship was questioned. He seemed to snap a bit more at Kankri, not wanting much to do with him, but their family issues weren't really the most of your worries. 

You waited for Kankri to retort against Karkat like he would usually do, but nothing came from those lips of his besides a sigh. The glint of hate that sparkled in his eyes when he looked at You and Karkat was a bit unsettling and you had no idea why he would be so protective over Karkat, wasn't Karkat he was being possessive over. You pushed these feelings deep inside, feeling as if that was such a silly assumption that not even Karkat would believe you when it came to that accusation. Your legs faltered slightly as you stood, your body becoming overwhelmed by fear as you noticed that Kankri was now staring. You quickly averted your gaze to Karkat's hand as you quickly grasped onto it, clinging for dear life. He quickly stood and laced his fingers with yours, giving you a toothy grin as you began your journey home. With each loving word You and Karkat had traded you could hear subtle grunts escaped Kankri. His unnerving problem with this relationship made you think deeper and deeper about what your mind had pointed out earlier. What if he was the one watching you? What if he was being protective over you after all?

"No.." You thought aloud, looking at the ground. 

"Is something bothering you?" Karkat asked with concern dripping through his grumpy tone. 

"N-No it's nothing." You said, breaking your thoughtful gaze with a fake smile. 

Karkat quickly shook it off as the doors to the familiar house opened, Kankri now not holding the door, but instead slamming it shut and walking upstairs. Karkat release a lowly grunt and opened the door, holding it for you like a gentleman. 

"You think that for how much he talks about triggers he would be more careful when it came to situations like this." Karkat mumbled out as he rolled his eyes.

You only giggled and dropped your backpack on the couch. "I say that we should go mess with him." You added as you turned to Karkat, who seemed to like the idea. 

"That's a wonderful idea!" He exclaimed with happiness. 

The male suddenly grasped your hand and you ran upstairs, laughing and giggling in a childish manner. Karkat gave you as sudden "hush" and then slowly opened the door to the cranky trolls room, revealing a quite disturbing picture. The room was dark, his walls covered in pictures of you and candles cascading a small light onto them. You saw his form hunched over the computer, and what happened next disturbed you to no ends. You heard moans from the troll as you saw some type of red tentical ejaculating onto the floor. 

Karkat x Reader x Yandere! KankriWhere stories live. Discover now