Jealousy As Thick As Blood

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Your eyes fluttered open gently, revealing your (eye color) orbs to the fresh morning sun. You watched as the multitude of colors peered in between the blinds and welcomed you, which brought a small smile to your face, but everything suddenly hit you like a slap to the face. 

"WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" You exclaimed as you fell from the bed.

No matter how bad you wanted to save yourself from seeing your friend crawl out of that cocoon thing he sleeps in, school was more important. Your heart was speeding which now over powered your logic. You watched as your put your hands on the cocoon and started rocking it back and forth vigorously. At first all you got were a few sniffles from the sleeping troll, but what you received after surely was a scolding you wouldn't forget. 

"HEY WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA!" He screamed out as his form swayed back and forth at your mercy.

You slowly stopped and then began to laugh  while your hand moved to the back of your neck, just showing how nervous you really were.

"Um.. I'm sorry to wake you, but we are going to be late if we don't get going."

Karkat let out a low groan, crawled out of that thing, and then proceeded to stretch, which was more than pleasant to the eyes than anything. You quickly turned away and decided that maybe the best thing to do would be to go downstairs and eat whatever they had for breakfast around here. You quickly went for the creme colored door and swung it open, closing it carefully behind you. You then proceeded, racing down the stairs into the kitchen only to be met with none other than Kankri. Unlike you and Karkat, he was perfectly prepared and calm, and he even managed to make a bowl of cereal for you. 

"T-Thank you." You said lightly as you took your seat at the beautiful wood table, that was kept in flawless condition. 

You couldn't help but notice that Kankri was giving you a disgusted look, and then you realized it was because of the fact that you were wearing Karkat's sweater. You couldn't really see why it would be that big of a deal, but in the long run I guess he may be just a very protective guy? You decided to stop worrying about it and quickly munched down the cereal, leaving the bowl in the sink and going back upstairs. This time you were (thankfully) greeted, by a fully clothed Karkat. Then another thought came to your head and that was about what you were going to wear. You really decided against wearing the same exact thing as yesterday, so you figured that you could wear Karkat's sweater with your gym shorts. Sure, it wasn't very flattering, but there weren't many people that you cared to impress anyways. You pulled your black gym shorts out of your backpack and then proceeded to go to the bathroom to get changed. On the way there you could feel someone watching you, which you had surprisingly felt a lot more since moving here. 

"Oh (Y/N) you're so paranoid!" You thought aloud as you pushed into the bathroom.

You looked at the random things sprawled out across the counter, realizing that obviously someone liked to style their hair. Setting aside the fact that someone puts ample amount of time into their look you let the clothing from yesterday slip from your skin, feeling the air gently nip against your form. You quickly threw on your shorts and slid out of the bathroom rushing back into Karkat's room and grabbing your backpack. 

"You ready sleeping beauty?" Karkat teased, snickering to himself.

You just rolled your eyes and hit his shoulder playfully, blushing at the thought of him thinking you were beautiful. Sure, it may have been just a joke, but it actually meant something to you. You couldn't help but blush more at the thought of Karkat ever seeing you as more than a friend, but you shook those thoughts away, hoping that maybe you were just going crazy and you didn't actually have feelings for someone. You let another sigh loose and then stepped down the stairs, getting ready for the short walk to school. Again, your little march didn't have much liveliness, only Kankri going on about how to properly address someone, but you were sure that nobody was listening at this point. When we walked to the school we noticed a slightly angry Veronica standing at the curve of her drive way. 

Karkat x Reader x Yandere! KankriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora