Welcome Home

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Your heart throbbed against your chest as your eyes opened to a plague of darkness instead of the room you were used to. You then used your senses to find where exactly you were. Smell. The place smelt vaguely of some type of metallic scent, almost like the scent of fresh blood. You weren't quite sure if you were right or not, but you were praying that you weren't. Texture. Your fingers ran down your legs and then grasped onto something. It felt rough and wooden, somewhat like a rough chair. You began to squirm, but something rough was holding you down. You then could assume that you were tied to a chair, just like in that nightmare of yours. Taste. Your tongue danced along your lips and you could surely tell that blood was smeared across your lips. You gagged, coughing and trying desperately to get the gross taste out of your mouth. Hearing. Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind the door that lead down to your current holding place. You winced as you heard the door creaking open, knowing exactly what was awaiting you on the other side. The steps grew louder and louder, a few chuckles coming from the person who was now your captor. Sight. A light suddenly flickered on after a loud click was audible. You winced as the light bulb hanging above you flashed into your (e/c) orbs. When you looked up you finally met your captor and the killer. You were welcomed by familiar pale grey skin, a crimson red turtleneck sweater, sharp smiling teeth, and of course white eyes. Fear began to take hold and you started thrashing around, hoping that somehow that would get you somewhere, but it wouldn't. 

"G99dm9rning sleeping 6eauty." He cooed, a rough hand running down your face.

Those words reminded you of the mornings you would have with Karkat, the one you really loved. However, you are stuck here face to face with the monster that killed him. You then sat there silently, sucking up an amount of spit that was now mixing with the blood you had tasted earlier. After a few seconds you had the perfect amount to do exactly what you had wanted to do since you met this creepy bastard. You released the spit, shooting right at his face. As planned it collided with his nose and he scowled, wiping away the liquid. You could see the anger and hate growing in his eyes as he snarled at you. 

"Y9u kn9w that's quite triggering, (Y/N)." He called, getting a firm grip around your neck.

You could feel his claws sinking into your skin, drawing bits of blood. The pain he brought to your hurt far worse than anything you had felt in your lifetime. You winced and thrashed about, letting out pleading screams. "STOP!" You yelled, knowing that if this kept up that you would be forced to sleep forever. He abruptly let go of your neck, now taking a firm grip on your hair and bringing you up to eye level. Suddenly a smack of pain hit you across the face, leaving a burning hand print on your cheek. You winced and went to scream. As your cavern opened the troll leaned in, jamming his tongue inside of your mouth and dominating you powerfully. You groaned, trying to get his tongue out of your mouth. After a long moment of forceful frenching he backed off, smirking at you. 

"Welc9me h9me my l9vely (Y/N)~" He sang out as he let go of your hair.

Your chair clashed with the floor, creaking as your body clashed against it firmly. You couldn't believe that this was going to be your home. Your eyes fluttered over with tears at the thought of waking up every morning to see someone you loathed. There had to be some way to avoid all of this, to get out of it all. "Escape." You mumbled to yourself, not realizing you had actually made your plans audible.

"As l9ng as y9u be a g99d little girl I w9n't have t9 use such f9rce 9n y9u, 6ut if y9u dare try t9 "escape" I will make sure t9 put an end t9 any strand 9f freed9m y9u have left." He growled. "Y9u are mine." 

The words he was saying were like venom. They were all soiled with lust and it was evident he was already formulating ideas in his mind. You couldn't help but want to argue as he said that you were his. That was the part that stuck out to you most, the fact that he was going to own you like a pet. 

"I-I am not yours...Kankri... I will never be yours.." You said, your voice cracking under pressure.

Smack! Another slap hit your face, this time having more  force in it. You winced in pain as his flesh met with yours. Once you looked to him, you could see all of his emotions spiraling into a never ending hate. His footsteps could be heard once again as he made his way over to a table in the center of the room. You saw his form hunched over the table, snickering could be heard. Once her turned back to you you could see a fresh white mask clinging to his cheeks and a knife shimmering in the light. You began to struggle against the harsh rope as he came closer and closer. Was he going to kill you? Every thought in your mind was preparing you for the worst as he drew closer and closer. You closed your eyes, his hot breath now beating down against your neck. You could feel the blade dancing against your skin lightly, each stroke feeling like it was done with utter care. With each slice you winced, feeling crimson blood rushing down your neck and onto your chest area. After the blade left you, you still couldn't bring yourself back to reality. You didn't want to look. Instead you sat there with your eyes closed as the troll licked the fresh cuts clean, almost as if he cared about you. 

"Y9u can 9pen y9ur eyes n9w." He called, making it sound more like a demand than a suggestion.

You opened your eyes, first seeing Kankri towering over you with a smile. Then you looked to the wounds on your chest. Hatred flowed through your blood as you looked at what he had done to your body. "Pr9perty 9f Kankri Vantas," Was neatly written out on your flesh. A low growl left your mouth, but was soon muffled as a cloth covered your face. 

"Sleep well." He cooed, the phrase becoming more like an expected tune. 

Your mind ran off into a deep sleep, your heart sinking as your eyes fluttered closed.

Your eyes opened to a plain white room, your heart beating against your chest as you felt a warm embrace. You leaned into the embrace, recognizing the person anywhere. 

"Karkat." You whispered out.

You looked to the nubby horned troll that you loved, tugging onto his black shirt and crying onto his shoulder. You didn't want to let go, you knew what would happen if you let go. Each second that passed his hold on you got tighter and tighter. Something was off about this Karkat, but you knew that no matter what you wanted him back. 

"Karkat?" You called, seeing the boy laying his head firmly on your chest.

You began to stroke his hair, not getting a single response from the one you loved. 

"This is the last time I'll forget you, and this is the last time I'll abandon you." You sang softly, the passion here feeling almost like it was real. You then heard Karkat begin to hum gently, his face still being hidden on your chest. You became a bit suspicious as to why he hadn't looked at you yet, but you dismissed it, knowing you had to enjoy your time with him. You began to hum a soft tune and slowly, his head arose, his eyes meeting with yours. Your eyes widened as you looked to see that it was Kankri, wearing Karkat's clothes. You back away, your heartbeat faltering. 

"You aren't the one I love." You called as you hit the wall.

"Yes, 6ut y9u're the 9ne I l9ve, (y/n). Y9u are the 9nly 9ne I l9ve.." Kankri called tenderly.

"You don't love me, you monster."You protested, knowing what love really was.

"9h y9u sure are wr9ng dear, I l9ve y9u with all 9f my heart. That's why I gave y9u a nice h9me, t99k care 9f the ann9ying pests that were getting in 9ur way, and gave y9u everything I have." He mumbled.

Soon your mind began to formulate some false sense of sympathy. What was this feeling? You felt as if Kankri did  love you, and as if he did do the right thing. He had done  it all for you, and he had been taking pretty good care of you, but why should you feel that way about a physco like him? You felt sorry for him, you felt like he had gone out of his way for you and that he saved you. 

Your eyes opened to the dark room again, your mind recalling the dream vividly, and the feeling still lingering there like a ghost.

Stockholm Syndrome..... 

Karkat x Reader x Yandere! KankriWhere stories live. Discover now