My Heart Bleeds For You, Love

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((Hello folks! In this chapter it will change to Kankri's point of view, since now I can understand the whole feeling of being possessive xD aha! Plus, no typing quirks because I am lazy))

No one cared. No one listened. No one loved me. 

It was lonely. It was deadly. It was desperation. A cry for help that no one would take. As long as I walked through these halls, holding in my emotions, I could appear fine. Thoughts loomed over me as I marched into the school once more. Every face was familiar. The same dead expressions, with no life and no beauty. The passion I once had to find love had died in me, and every other desire drowned with it. I needed something, someone, to make me feel alive again. The final bell rang, signaling the end of this hell of a day. I slumped out of my desk and began to make a painful journey through the halls. I scanned the faces of the freshmen, but none of them seemed to have light in their eyes. "L99ks like an9ther generati9n 9f z9m6ies." I groaned out, slowly getting to the door and leaving the school. How could so many people follow in line? How could they march the same lives blindly off a cliff instead of straying from the paths of fate itself? It was beyond me, and yet I couldn't help but have a lingering lust. I wished to find someone to bring back to hope I once had in this poor excuse of a world. Every thought that had coursed through my mind had a desire to be spilled from my lips, but when people hear the truth flowing from my mouth they seem to tune it out, as if they don't want the salvation that could easily open their eyes to a world with no bounds. 

A heavy sigh fell from my lungs and my vision shifted to the two metal, black painted doors that  had small slits for windows. The light gingerly caressed my features as I pushed out of the gateways, being met with two familiar faces and one foreign figure sitting on the steps. I looked down upon Karkat, disgust clogging up the air that had already pained my lungs. The boy was so carefree, and seemed to enjoy being so naive. Maybe I am to blame; my naivety  died long ago. Oh boy what I wouldn't do to be naive again. It is a curse to be able to see this world through open eyes, and it is even harder to live around people who refuse to see the full truth even though they have the capability to. 

My focus then shifted to the female known as "Veronica" that Karkat had hung out quite frequently. The girl was nothing special, and in fact she was quite trite in my eyes. She was trying to hard to find people to please, and always changed herself to fit the stereotypes. I would love to try and build her into a decent woman, but she would never consider changing for someone such as I. I saw the way she looked at my brother. I saw the way her gleaming blue orbs danced along his figure, and I noticed that with Karkat she always showed her quote on quote "love" for him.

It had happened a multitude of times. My little brother would make friends with a female, she would fall for him, and I was always forced to listen to her woe over him constantly. Veronica was no exception. I had spent countless hours sitting at my desk, listening to her babble on and on about how she adored the boy, and how she could never imagine life without him by her side. The sad thing was that in that same chair I would listen to Karkat babble on about how Veronica was such a good friend. 

I have witnessed the h9peless, and yet y9u all expect me t9 6e h9peful. 

I had never kn9wn l9ve.  I had never kn9wn lust. I had never kn9wn sexual desires, until I l99ked at that girl, that girl that w9uld f9rever haunt me. 

The girl that was once slumped over the stairs arose from the steps, turning to Karkat and I. As my eyes met with hers I knew that she wasn't like the other girls. I knew that I had to have her. The way her (E/C) orbs shone in the light was enough to awaken a beast within me, a beast that had been asleep for years. I scanned her, noting each and every one of her physical attributes. Her face was proportioned in a manner that seemed almost flawless. Her eyes looked as if they were stars that were planted upon her (S/C) face by angels. Her lips were a beautiful rosy-pink with a bit of lipstick still clinging to her lips from the long day. Damn h9w I wanted t9 kiss her. Her body looked as if it was sculpted at the hands of Michelangelo ages ago. Each curve was defined within her outfit, which only awoke my hunger more and more. Her limbs hung to her side in the most elegant manner, and her posture was simply exquisite. Her locks of hair fell perfectly among her head, almost like something from a human hair styling magazine or whatever.  

Have you ever looked at something, whether it was an object in a store or something more precious, and wanted it more than anything? Have you ever wanted something from the store so bad that you would beg on your knees just to get it? Have you ever wanted something so much that you were willing to do anything and everything just to say you own it? Well, then you understand what it was like when I first looked in (Y/N)'s direction. 

It was like a curse that I couldn't escape from. Every time I wanted to get her off my mind her face flashed within my memory bank once again, making the same feelings arise every time. Every god damn time I looked at her I wanted to rip her clothes off, and fuck her like a filthy animal. Do you know exactly how hard it is to resist urges that strong? NO! Do you know exactly how hard it is to resist desires that strong? It feels like a spiral. Something that I could easily pull myself out of but the feeling of being trapped within its grasp feels so fucking good. 

She brought back my hope, she brought back the feeling of love I once found hopeless. She was the one who destroyed my hope, she was the one who brought back the feeling of lust that I would hide no longer. 

No one had to come to me and tell me that she had fallen for him. It was obvious from the first moment. The way that those beautiful, starry eyes looked upon him, made me want to kill him. I wanted her to look at me that way and only me, so why the fuck was he the one always getting the attention? I couldn't understand it, but I wish I did. Maybe if I could have accepted it I would have stopped myself before I transformed into this monster. Every piece of mind had left me, and now all that matter was her, me, we, and us. 

Every time that I look to her, tied in my basement, resting peacefully I still feel as if I had just met her. I still feel the lust clinging to me like chains, and I still feel the spiral of emotions sucking me deeper and deeper. 

She may be the one who is tied up, but I am the one who is trapped.

My hand caressed her skin tenderly and a smirk crossed my face as I admired her lovely features for what felt like the millionth time. Every time I regretted my actions, I would remember that I got what I wanted so very much. I would remember that in the end, she always loved me, she too just needed her eyes to be opened. 

"My heart 6leeds f9r y9u, darling." I cooed as I caressed her groggy figure. 

                                                                             9h I can't wait f9r r9und tw9 9f 9ur little game (Y/N)~

((Sorry for the short chapter, but now that I am on break I can promise that I will work harder to update very often. ^^ I actually am going to write the lemon chapter soon. MUAHHAHAHHAHHAH))

Karkat x Reader x Yandere! KankriOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant