Dreams That Become A Gateway Into Reality

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Your body was tense, each breath feeling fragile and your form feeling starved and gaunt. Your lips were quivering with fear and yet you don't know why. It had been a while since you had felt the warmth of another person here, in this place you would call home. You felt the urge to cry, but the river of emotions inside of you had seemed to dry up, it was like you were dead but you still felt somewhat alive. Your heart stopped and you felt your fingers twitch. Your mind had ordered you to thrash abruptly, but the result was only a tighter hug from the ropes that confined you to that damned chair. Footsteps became audible as the door creaked open, your breathing becoming heavy with each step the person took. You watched as the intimidating silhouette hunched down the stairs, chuckling lightly. What was so funny about you not being able to act and perform on your own like a human being should? You thought as the person's laughter carried on through the air. Click! You winced as a bright light turned on, your vision still hazy from sitting in this dark place for what seemed like years. Although you could clearly tell that you were inside a basement of some sort, you still could not see who was holding you captive, the only thing you knew is that the fear you felt in your chest when he was near was a warning that he wasn't someone who was a crony of yours. You watched as he neared you, trying to feed you some type of strange green liquid. You only turned away, not eager to let the slime enter your pallet. To your surprise your face was grabbed forcefully and you were now looking eye to eye with your captor. White eyes. You mentally noted, looking deeply into his orbs. You felt a sudden pressure as the male shoved the liquid down your throat, not even taking into account the fact that it was quite painful. You forced yourself to swallow the strange liquid and then immediately returned a loud wheeze. Your coughs had sounded about as bad as that of a smoker.

"G99d girl." You heard the voice call over head.

You felt like some type of pet, almost like you were being degraded by this captor. You felt his claws rake into the back of your head as he gave you what he would call a "pet" and then grab a few strands of hair, bringing you upward and letting you view him more clearly. You couldn't tell who this man was, but he surely had something off in that mind of his. You groaned as he then smashed his lips against yours, forcing your frail back against the cold, hard wall. He then shoved his tongue in your mouth, the taste of blood making you want to gag. You pulled your head away and then bit his tongue. Your plan had worked and you looked at the male as he cursed under his breath. He then gave a glare to you, his whole mood changing in one foul swoop. 

"W9w s9me9ne is cranky, it w9uld pr96a6ly 6e 6est if y9u t99k an9ther nap." The voice called, insanity laced within his cheery, high pitched tone. 

You felt a scream escape your lips as a sharp pain flooded throughout your neck. The same laughter suddenly lulled you to sleep as your form felt at peace, finally not trying to fight against the man anymore. 

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The loud blaring of your alarm clock seemed to be your savior. Why would you dream something so horrid? You weren't exactly sure, but it seemed real enough to make you think deeper about everything that had happened lately. 

"It would probably be best if I stayed away from Kankri for a while.." You sighed out, throwing the covers from your body and letting the cold air welcome you to the world. 

You then slid off the bed, groggily rubbing your crusty eyes and walking like a zombie to the bathroom and quickly changed into your usual attire, just a random baggy t-shirt and some jeans again. Sure, it wasn't the best thing to wear considering the fact that you now had someone that would be working vigorously just to ruin your life, but in all honesty you thought it would be amusing to toy with her a little. After all, she didn't even know enough to really hit you where it hurt, or at least you hoped that she didn't. You made a quick run to the kitchen and grabbed a fruit and grain bar, munching it down quickly and rushing back to the bathroom. You grabbed your (f/c) toothbrush and began to brush your teeth mechanically.

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