Quotes jade

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As the Black Eyed Peas once said to me: "I gotta feeling tonight's gonna be a good night"

-Jade Thirlwall

At school I was the nerd who was pelted with erasers, until I got up and started to sing at a meeting. There was applause and suddenly I was cool.

-Jade Thirlwall

My security people always look after us, to make sure that we also eat healthy, therefore I eat when they watch Bananas and tangerines and vegetables, but if they do not look, I eat chocolate. And cookies!

-Jade Thirlwall

"Sisters before misters" is a good rule. You never, ever dis one of us for a boy!


We watch Matilda together. We reenacted a scene on YouTube, the bit in the school hall with the cake! "


I always have bows in my hair, that's my little thing. The Thing About bows is thatthey can be quite boyish, like a bow tie. A typical outfit for me is baggy jeans and a little crop top, and a big bow!


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